Chapter 25

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Toni POV

I had been trying to call him for two days since he read me that later, and he wasn't answering.

I had called Veronica and she had sent me to voicemail.

I had called the base and they told me he had flew out.

I knew where he was going.

That's where I was going to.

I wasn't thinking anymore, I was just acting on impulse.

I was going to Iran.

I had pictures in my pocket of Cheryl in her army gear and I was going to ask if anyone had seen her in the few days before she died. Or if they even knew anything about the blast, surely the town would know something.

I needed to try and recover something from her, just to know.

Just to know she had gone.

I needed to stop this feeling I had, and I needed to fulfill her promise even when Archie couldn't.

Cheryl didn't want to be a picture on a wall in someone's office for 7 years, getting yellow and dusty until someone takes it down in 7 years and signs a death certificate and tosses it in a file somewhere to be even more forgotten.

She didn't want it.

She told Archie that.

I handed over my passport and ticket to the attendant and loaded onto the plane. I looked out the window. This was not a journey I was expecting. I gripped my book on Persian and Farsi phrase book. I had no idea how to pronounce the words, and I sure I would make an ass of myself on this journey.

But it was a journey I would make for her.

I had to.

I had been so lost for months, I didn't know what I was doing or why.

I made mistakes that could never be forgiven.

I had a relationship with two people.

I became two people.

One I didn't like.

I needed to bring me back, Cheryl knew me, and if Cheryl wasn't here to bring Toni back, then I would not let her down any more than I already had.

I closed my eyes ready for the long flight.

I dreamed of how we met.



Afghanistan Nearly 5 years ago

"Okay troops we are really lucky today, the Americans are letting us join there entertaining the troops day, so make sure you are on your best behaviour" Officer Morris gives us all a knowing look.

Archie and I looked at each other and grinned. We were finally getting to see some hot women, and we didn't mean that in a pervy way, well made a little but we had been there 6 months, we were both getting itchy palms.

"So Archie, I heard Demi Lovato is playing?" I nudge him, he was a secret Lovatic.

"I heard, but I also heard Josie and the Pussycats are performing, that Veronica man, she is HOT!" I chuckled.

"I don't even know who they are man" I shook my head I really didn't have a clue.

"What? You don't know?" I shook my head negatively.

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