Chapter 17

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I have been home from tour for a month now and I had decided to stay in the Army I didn't need to leave anymore all those plans I made didn't matter, I didn't have her so there was no point in carrying them out.

I had leave from work for 6 weeks before I was placed in a base somewhere for a few months, training young newbie private's.

Since coming back I had been staying in the flat my grandmother left me. She had raised me there, it was small, dated but functional and I went back to sleeping in my old bed with ease.

I remember Toni and I hiding out here for a week after she left Josie and the Pussycats we just watched Disney movies, ate takeaway and had sex for the entire week. Those were the good old days.

I turned the lock in the door to the flat and opened it, waking in I dropped my keys into the bowl beside the door I make my way into the living room and I scream.

"What the fuck" I grab my chest to stop my heart beating out of my chest.

"What the fuck Toni what are you doing her?" I scream, I was still in shock.

There is Toni Topaz my ex fiancé on my sofa with her arms crossed and legs crossed at the knee looking at me expectantly, her tongue is in her cheek she looks pissed.

I drop my backpack on the floor and take a step further into the living room.

"What are you doing her trying to scare the shit into me?" I ask. She stays silent. I huff.

"How did you get in" she doesn't speak but jingles her keys oh yeah I gave her a spare.

"Look Toni I don't want to argue what's done is done move on with you life" I try to sound fair and sincere.

"Like you have" her eyes narrow.

My shoulder sag "Toni really"

"So do you feel better now?" her tone is dripping in attitude.

"Did you have your revenge?" She tilted her head slightly. But the attitude was still there.

"What are you talking about?" I just waved off her crazy accusations.

"You know exactly what I am talking about, you fucked her!" She stood up now and threw her keys at me they bounced off my chest.

"So are we finally even now? Can we go back to the way it was? To us!" She's angry but she also sounds desperate for me to accept her offer.

"Toni there is no us" I say calmly and smoothly "there hasn't been for awhile" I'm still trying to be calm.

"No we are together and always have been.... or you want her is that what this is? You had a rebound revenge fuck with Ariana Grande to make you feel better! Did you even read my letters??" I shake my head and walk into my bedroom I'm not answerable to her for what I do or who I fuck.

"I'm not finished talking to you" she's storming after me and suddenly she's pulling my arm and then my T-shirt when I shrug her off

"Answer me asshole!" she screams.

I'm pissed off, she's got some nerve calling me an asshole and being pissed at me.
I turn around and she almost bumps into me.

"I'm an asshole?" I point to myself. "We are not together Toni I can fuck whoever, however I want. It's nothing to do with you. We are over. At least I waited to fuck someone until after our relationship not during like you... you whore" It was petty to through that comment in, but she let herself into my apartment and confronted me, how dare she.

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