Chapter 3

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I walked out of the Williams motorhome my heart breaking even more. That was the worst part, that he was willing to keep it from me, that he never wanted me to know. Whoever posted it knew about my past, they wanted to ruin our relationship and make sure George couldn't concentrate on quali.

Well, they got their wish. I walked towards the garage in search of my dad. I walked down the tunnel and saw Lewis. He looked at me smiling. I shook my head no at him and walked across the pits to our pit wall and my dad sat down with headphones on.

I walked and hugged him from behind

"Hi sweetie I didn't expect to see you here." He said

"Yeah, can I talk to you," I said

"Sure, what's up?" he asked turning to me

"Somewhere a little more private?" I asked

"Sure." He replied. He got up and we walked to the side a bit away from everyone. "So, what's up?" he asked

"I thought it best you hear it from me but me and George have broken up," I said

"Aww, I'm so sorry to hear that. What happened?" he asked

"I don't want to talk about it I just thought you should know," I said

"Ok well you know I'm here if you do need to talk." He said hugging me

"Yeah, I know. Thanks, dad." I said

I then walked back into the garage and he went back to the pit wall

"Did you tell him?" Lewis asked

"That we're over yes, what happened no," I replied

"Ah are you going to tell him?" he asked

"No. He doesn't need to be pissed at George and I don't want him to be or to drop him. It's better he doesn't." I replied

"Ok. So, what did he say?" he asked

"I don't want to get into it now," I replied

"Ok as long as you're doing, ok?" he asked

"Yeah, I'm fine. Anyways stop worrying about me you have quali to worry about." I replied

"I can do both. I just want to make sure you're ok." He said

"Thanks, but really I'm fine," I replied

"Ok then." He said

"Good luck," I said hugging him

"Thanks." He replied

We parted and he got ready and into his car and quali started. I stood in the pits and watched the qualifying occur. I felt really bad when George went out in Q1 which he never does. He was as off as I was. Once quali had finished and Lewis had finished P2 and Valtteri P3. All the mechanics ran to the podium area to congratulate them. I walked across the pits to my dad.

"Hey, dad. I'm going to head back to the hotel." I said

"Okay sweetheart. I'll see you tomorrow." He said

"See you tomorrow," I replied

We hugged and then I walked back across the pits, through the garage and paddocks towards the exit. I scanned out and walked to my car and got in. I sat in the driver's seat and quickly texted Lewis.

Well, done on today. Sorry, I'm not sticking around but I know you will understand why. See you tomorrow and hopefully, we get a good result.

I then put my phone on the seat next to me and started the car. First stop was ice cream at the shops. I found my favourite Ben and Jerrys and bought some chocolate and gin cans while I was there. I left and went back to the hotel.

I entered my room and put my stuff down on my bed. I changed out of what I was wearing and a tear slid down my cheek as I looked at the George Williams hoodie I had just taken off. I threw it on my suitcase and grabbed my laptop. I placed it on the bed and changed into joggers and a different hoodie.

I got into bed and opened the ice cream and started to eat it and then facetimed my best friend, Libby. It rang once and then she answered

"Hey." She said smiling. Then it dropped when she saw my face and ice cream "what happened?" she asked her face dropping

"Me and George broke up," I said tears sliding down my face

"Oh, Hunny what happened?" she asked

"He cheated on me and then lied about it to me," I replied

"What the fuck? Are you kidding me?" she replied

"no." I said more tears now escaping

"Can you explain further?" she asked

"Well after his first points 2 weeks ago he went out with his team, got too drunk, kissed a girl and then only admitted to it because he got caught as someone took a picture of them and posted it today during lunch. It's been taken down luckily thanks to Lukas so I hope not too many people saw it. It's just he said he was going to keep it from me forever because he wanted to protect me and himself of course." I said as more tears slowly escaped my eyes and between mouthfuls of ice cream

"Wow. He's an asshole. You would think he would have been more careful. I'm going to fucking kill him." She replied angrily

"I know. It's whatever. We're done now so..." I replied

"Yes, good riddance. Ok, you know the rules. Tonight, you get the tears out and tomorrow you rebuild your walls got it?" she said

"Got it, or at least I will try," I said

"Good. I really want to give him a piece of my fucking mind." She replied

"I know but please don't," I replied

"Fine I won't but just know I never liked him." She said

"Yeah ok." I replied sarcastically "we'll I'm going to go but I'll see you tomorrow. I said

"Ok see you tomorrow." She replied

I ended the call and then got up my comfort movie on Disney+ Captain America the Winter Soldier. I ate and drank and cried over George. Once the movie had finished, I sat there through the credits. I didn't want to close my eyes, so I stuck on Avengers and watched that with more crying.

Once that finished, I figured I should get some sleep. I cried myself to sleep that night. I haven't cried like this in a long time, all the feelings of the past coming back to me. I hated feeling like this, heartbroken. 

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