Chapter 9

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Y/N Present day

In her flat with Libby

We were sat on our sofa watching the vampire diaries on Netflix eating takeaway. After our long day at work, I was happy to be able to relax. As much as I could that is. I felt miserable without George in my life. Then suddenly the buzzer went. Libby got up to see who it was

"Yes. Who is it?" she asked

"it's George." Came through the speaker. I froze shocked that he was here

"Go away. She doesn't want to talk to you." Libby replied

"Please Y/N just let me explain." He said

Libby looked at me and I nodded yes.

"Are you sure? I can tell him to go." She replied

"Yeah, I'm sure. He won't leave until he's seen me." I replied

"Fine but don't you dare forgive his ass and keep those walls up," she said

"I won't and of course I will," I replied

"Mmmhhh." She said, "ok she's on her way down." Libby said in the speaker

I threw on a cardy on my way out and down the stairs. I exited the building and he was standing on the stairs holding flowers. I exited and walked down a few steps and he came up some.

"What is it you want to say? Just tell me and then leave." I said

"These are for you." He said and handed me the flowers, red roses my favourite dam him. I kept my face straight "right. I'm an absolute idiot."

"You can say that again," I said

"I'm an idiot. I never meant to betray your trust as I did." He said

"But you blatantly did," I replied

"I know. It's the worst mistake I've ever made. I've been miserable without you these past few days. I've been thinking about how we first started off. Me constantly asking you on a date that first weekend you came back, and the day we went driving and it was the first time you were fully yourself with me. I remember promising never to hurt you like your ex..." he said

"But you did. You lied." I replied

"Yes, I did. It breaks my heart that I broke that promise as I really did mean to. I know there is nothing I can say or do to change that, and God wish I could go back in time to have it never happen, but sadly I can't. All we can do is move forward together and rebuild the trust together. I love you so much and I can't imagine you not in my life. I only see you in my future and I don't think I could live if you weren't in it. I'm not asking you to forgive me right now but to agree to work past it together." He said

I stood and watched him after pouring his heart out to me. I could see he was very sorry but I had no clue what I wanted to do; on one side I wanted to forgive him and move on, but on the other, I didn't want to, I didn't want him hurting me again worse if I did and I was hurt by what he did after opening my heart to him. I sat down still not saying a word just taking in his. I put my hands over my head not realising he had joined me on the step

"I really don't know what to do?" I said

he pulled my hands off my head and held them. We looked into each other's eyes. I could see the sorrow and sadness in his and knew he could see the sadness in mine

"You can agree to work through this together. I know we can." He said

I continued looking into his eyes. I couldn't imagine my life without him either. He has made me the happiest I've ever been. Lewis had been right all those years ago, he was a good guy and he was right now, he wouldn't intentionally hurt me and here he was begging for us to work through this.

I had learnt a long time ago that with George by my side I felt like anything was possible. He wasn't the only one who was miserable without him and I couldn't see a future without him in it either. I knew Libby would hate me for the decision I was about to make but that didn't matter. I was going off what I wanted and what I wanted was George for the rest of my life. He had shown me what real love was and this was it. it's time for the past to remain the past and for me to now focus on the present and future that was in front of me.

"Yes. Let's work through this." I replied

"Really?" he asked shocked but smiling

"Really," I replied smiling

"Thank you." He said hugging me

"I missed you so much," he said

"I missed you too," I replied

We parted and embraced in a passionate kiss full of sorry and promising of a better future. We then parted and got up. I picked the flowers and he took my hand and we went back inside and up the stairs to my apartment.

We walked in the door and Libby was sat on the sofa. She looked shocked to see George behind me.

"Go to my room. I'll be in in a minute." I said to George

He did and I walked into the kitchen to find a vase for the roses

"So, you have forgiven him like that," Libby said annoyance clearly in her tone

"No, I haven't actually but we have agreed to work through it together and rebuild the trust," I replied as I cut the stems of the flowers and placed them in the vase

"Why? What about what we agreed?" she asked

"it's bullshit. I love him and I've decided to finally let go of my past and concentrate on my present and future with George and I think it's time for you to finally move on as well." I replied

"But..." she started but I stopped her

"But what? It's been years since it happened and you've closed yourself off from love long enough. Yes, it might be scary but it's the most amazing feeling being in love with someone who loves you just as much maybe even more. It's time you found that. I'm done letting you control mine. Yes, I love you and thank you so much for being there all those years ago when I needed it but I don't need it anymore." I said

She looked shocked at first and then relaxed smiling

"Daum girl. I'm so proud of you for being all grown up. Thank you for finally standing up to me and putting me in my place. I might start letting people have a chance. We will see. Now go enjoy your man." She said smiling

We hugged and then I picked up the vase with the roses in and walked into my room. I finally felt free and completely happy with no negativity in my mind and I was confident about the next chapter in my life.

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