Chapter 8

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I tried to distract myself by going out and seeing my friends on my time off. Bad idea. We ended up going karting at the place I took her once. As soon as I walked in the memory came flooding back to me. I smiled. That was the day I crumbled her walls and she fully opened up to me. After months of her being closed off to me, I managed to get her to fully open up to me and be her amazing self that I love.

2 years ago

"Can you tell me where we're going yet?" she asked

"no. I told you it's a surprise." I replied

"And I told you I hate surprises." She said

"Well, you better get used to them." I said, "and don't roll your eyes either." I added

"How did you know I was doing that I'm wearing a blindfold which I hate as well," she asked

"Because I know you and quit your moaning. We're here ok so just a few more minutes and you'll know." I replied

I got out of my car and then helped her out. She gripped my arm tightly as I walked us towards the building and inside.

"Ok, you can take the blindfold off now," I said

I watched as she ripped it off and her face lit up

"I am so going to beat you." She said

"Oh, we'll see about that," I replied

We walked up to the desk and they led us to the back. We got given out suits and helmets and went off to change. I met her back in the main area. I walked out to her stood there with the suit on and helmet in hand. God, she looked so good. I see what she sees about liking me in mine. It was a nice view.

"Stop gawking at me your perve." She joked

"Haha very funny I'm just admiring the view and getting my own back for you doing it to me," I replied

"Who said I do that?" she asked

"Me when I catch you looking at me at the track," I replied

"Nah I think you have the wrong girl." She said

"I don't think so," I replied

Our group then got shown all the safety stuff and then we were able to get into our cars. We didn't care that we were the only adults in a group of kids. It was going to be so much fun.

"you're going down," she said

"Your dreaming if you think you're going to beat a professional," I replied

We then set off driving around the track. I got a good start but the kids were good and quickly overtaking me. I noticed I had Y/N coming up behind me. I defended from her but she was cheeky and overtook me around the outside of a corner.

I came back at her trying to get my position back. I managed to but then not long after she overtook me again. daum this girl was not kidding she was good. I wasn't even going easy on her; she was generally good.

She managed to pull away from me and overtook one of the kids. I overtook him and well and caught up to her. We battled some more but, in the end, she beat me. We parked the cars and she took her helmet off and got out of the car and started dancing with a big smile on her face. At that moment I knew her wall had gone.

"I beat you. Told you I would." She said

Her smile made me smile. This was the best idea I could have had. She loved it and I was glad she enjoyed it.

"Yeah yeah, I'll get you back next time," I replied

"I doubt it," she replied

We changed out of our suits and met back up. We left and started walking towards the car

"We should come back with some of the other guys and their girlfriends, I think that would be really fun." She suggested

"Yeah definitely. That sounds like fun. We will definitely need to arrange that."

"Where to now?" she asked

"a walk around a park and some food," I said

"Sounds good," she replied smiling

I started the car and drove away. She put on Bluetooth and put a song on and started singing to it in the car. I smiled at her. We had come so far in such a short amount of time. I had been able to crumble her walls and now had this amazing girl in front of me. I joined in as we drove and then found somewhere to park.

We walked and talked and got some food and drink and had fun. Everything was fine and great until the heavens suddenly opened and it chucked it down with rain.

"Come on let go," I said

"No, I want to enjoy the rain for a bit." She said

"Really?" I asked

"Yes." She replied "come on dance with me." she said spinning around

I joined in with her. People glanced at us as they ran by us dancing to no music.

"Come on let's get going before we get hypothermia," I said

"Fine." She huffed

We ran back to the car and got in, both soaking wet.

"So how come you enjoy the rain so much?" I asked her

"I don't know. It makes me feel alive you know. Being able to feel the water against my skin." She replied

"Yeah, I get that," I replied

"Why have you got to do this to me," she said sighing.

"Do what?" I asked

"You know exactly what you have done." She replied

"No, I don't," I replied smirking

"you're really going to make me spell it out?" she asked

"Yep," I replied

"Fine. You broke down my carefully constructed walls in just a few months." She said

"And is that a good thing?" I asked

"Yes and no," she replied

"Why yes and no?" I asked

"Yes, because I haven't felt like this in years and no because I'm scared, I'll get hurt again," she replied

"Well, I promise you I will never ever break your heart. You will never go through what you went through ever again." I said

"Good." she replied, "now let's get going." She said

"Agreed," I replied


Fuck. I promised her I wouldn't hurt her and look what I have done. Broken that promise. She trusted me and I broke that trust. I hated hurting her so much. I wanted her back, wanted her to forgive me. screw space I'm going after my girl.

"Hey George you good?" my mate asked

"Yeah. I'll see you guys later." I said going to the door

"Mate where are you going?" he shouted back to me

"To win my girl back," I shouted before leaving

I ran to my car and drove to the airport. I parked and went in. I brought a ticket for a flight to Milan that left in 1 hour. I went through security. Just myself, my phone, passport and wallet. That god for me keeping my passport in my car all the time.

I sat waiting anxiously to board my flight. I hoped and prayed she would forgive me. It's been 2 days without her and she's constantly on my mind and I couldn't live without her. When we finally boarded and took off, I was happy to be on my way but so nervous to see her. 

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