Chapter 4

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I woke up late the next morning, around 11 am. I slowly got up and changed into jeans and some Mercedes merch. Time to rebuild my walls. I did little make-up not being arsed to make much effort today. I then packed my suitcase and took everything as I left my room and entered the lift down to reception. I handed in my key car and walked out the door.

I walked out and towards my car. I drove to the track and parked. I scanned through the paddocks and walked towards the Mercedes motorhome. I walked in and got some food and drink as it was lunchtime. I wandered upstairs and found Lewis up there on a table eating his.

"Hey," I said sitting down

"Hey." He replied "how are you holding up?" he asked

"I'm ok. Back to rebuilding my walls." I replied

"Are you sure you can't work through this with him? I mean you two were great together, perfect for each other really." He asked

"no. I don't think so. After everything, I've been through and him knowing that fear he does it anyway." I replied

"Yes, he fucked up big time and he knows that but he loves you and I know you still love him, are you really just going to throw 2 years away?" he asked

"Yes. Now can you just shut up about it?" I replied

"Fine ok. But I think you're making a mistake." He said

"Ok thanks, good to know," I replied sarcastically before moving our conversation on

We finished and he left to chill in his room. I stayed sat at the table not sure on what to do now. I decided in the end to just chill in my dad's office for a bit. After a while, I made my way down to the pits. I stood with my dad by the pit wall as the national anthem played.

I glanced at George and the small wall I was rebuilding crumbled back down. That wasn't very smart of me. It finished and they all headed back to their cars and started getting ready. I went back into the garage and got the chairs out ready for the mechanics and everyone. I then sat down on one at the far end.

I watched on the tv as everyone moved off and the cars set out for their formation lap and everyone started running back. They then all watched in the pits with me as the lights went out and the race was on.

Lewis had a great start and was able to take first from max. he just now needed to keep a hold of his position. I watched as they all went round and round the track. The final lap came and I ran out with all of Lewis' mechanics and we cheered as he crossed the line in 1st with Max 2nd and Valtteri 3rd. we all ran over to the podiums and waited for them to pull up. They all stopped at their signs and we watched as they got out, Lewis celebrating.

We jogged over to us and hugged all of his mechanics. He parted from them and noticed me smiling at him. He gave me a thumbs-up before fist-bumping Valtteri. He took his helmet and that off and fist-bumped some of the others that had made their way over after weighing. They did a small interview and they made their way up onto the podiums.

I watched as Lewis got his trophy, they played his national anthem and then sprayed champaign over each other. They then came down and Lewis came over to me

"Well done. I knew you could do it." I said

"Yeah, thanks." He replied hugging me

"we'll I've got to get going so talk to you soon," I said

"Ok talk soon and have a safe flight." He replied

He left to take some pictures and I found my dad

"Time to go?" he asked

"Yeah." I replied and hugged him "see you soon." I said

"Bye." He replied

We parted and I headed back to the garage and thorough the paddocks. On my walk back I went past the media pen and saw George and he saw me. Our eyes met my sad ones looking into his. I turned away and carried on. Again, the small wall had crumbled at seeing him.

I scanned out and headed for my car. I got in and headed for the airport. I parked and handed the key back. I then walked into the airport and checked my bag in. I went through security and waited for my flight.

I finally boarded 30 minutes later and then took off back to Milan. Sat on my flight I could help my mind drift off back to my past boyfriend and what he did. I hated feeling how I did and I felt just like it now. Now I get some time away with no risk of seeing him and time to rebuild my walls.

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