Chapter 27

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Today was the day, I was leaving. It's been a hell of a year but I wouldn't change it for a thing, well I would probably will be still with Frank if I change some things but I don't want to think about them right now. I had brown hair now, it didn't really suit me like the blonde did but oh well, it's for the best, I think.

We were placing boxes into Aidan and I's new car, it's a long drive to Chicago but it's away from here right? 

"I'm going to miss you guys!" Lottie sighed before pulling us both into a hug.

"I'll miss you too!" I smiled.

"Lottie, We will talk though right?" Aidan nervously sighed, I forget all the time that these two were a couple and that he is deeply infatuated with her.

"Of course. Silly!" She smiled but you could still see the sorrow in her eyes, it was no secret that these two were utterly in love with each other.

"Good." Aidan sighs before pulling her into another hug, I opened the car door and plonked myself down, I didn't want to ruin their moment, as Aidan was walking round to get in the car Lottie ran over and pressed her lips against Aidan's. You could see he was shocked but it didn't stop him from kissing her back. All I felt was jealousy, I wasn't jealous of Lottie, I was jealous of their relationship. I had that relationship.

The car door swung open and I was met with a flustered Aidan.

"She said she loved me." He grinned at me.

"Then what are you doing driving miles and miles away from her?" I cried out to him and at his stupidity.

"For you." Was his only response as he turned the ignition and pulling away from the curb. He didn't even look back at Lottie, who just watched the man she loves drive fucking miles away.

"What do you mean "for me"? I can leave you don't have to!" I was getting angry now.

"Don't you get it! You opened your mouth and he knows your alive! He knows I lied! I'm in shit too now!" Aidan was getting angry too.

"You could have moved somewhere else with Lottie?" I narrowed my eyes.

"Lottie and I would have never worked, I love her but I'm not in love with her." Aidan sighs.

"How could you not be in love with her?" 

"Because you can't be in love with two people at the sa- you know what? It doesn't matter." 

"How long is this drive?" 

"Just under 12 hours, we aren't even in Pennsylvania yet, then we have to drive through Ohio." 

"I might just sleep through the ride?" I quietly mumbled.

"Yeah yeah sure. Knock yourself out." Aidan smiled as I close my eyes, it takes a good hour of driving until I fall asleep.


"How long was I out?" I mumbled whilst rubbing sleep from my eyes.

"Eleven and a half hours." Aidan laughed.

"I didn't get any sleep last night and we started driving at 5am so does that mean we will be there in about 20 minutes?"

"You are correct!" Aidan says like he was on some shitty game show or something.

"What are you thinking about?" Aidan knocked me out of my trance.

"Do you really wanna know?" I raised my eyebrow.

"Try me." He grinned as he tapped his fingers to the beat of some old Foo Fighters song which was on the radio.

"If I would have been alive right now if I stayed with my Dad. I'm thinking if Frank misses me or not. I'm wondering where my Mom is. Last I heard she was in Chicago, so maybe I can find her?" I trailed off as I rambled about my unimportant thoughts.

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