Ch.2 | Introduction to Vale

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A/n: The purpose of this fic is to help my creativity and plot development in my stories. Please do give me constructive feedback at the end of every chapter, it's important for me.


Beacon Academy. Yes, I remember clearly stepping into those halls, how magical it felt to finally be out of home, but at the same time the terrifying pressure that I felt of not letting my parent down, to not let my dad down. 

The ride there had been extremely dull and boring, especially with the lack of conversation which happened during it. My ride consisted of reading books for school and keeping my practice bow in tip-top shape. It was dull and boring and I hated every second of it, maybe not as much as I hated the awkwardness of the day earlier, but it was definitely an event I did not enjoy partaking in. 

When we finally arrived at our destination seven hours after our flight I couldn't believe my eyes, the difference in everything. The towns were filled with people wearing an array of different kinds of clothing which made me not know whether I was in a futuristic world or a world of fantasy, a place where one's imagination seemed to overlap with reality creating an amazing view. 

I remember clearly Dew's words when we arrived, "What? Has the king never traveled?" she questioned, I remember not giving an answer, not because I didn't have one, and surprisingly not because I was awkward, but because I had never traveled out of my home and was too busy taking the sights in to really care about another person's opinion of me. Vacuo was so different from Vale. In Vacuo there are shields surrounding every small town to prevent sandstorms from affecting daily lives, people usually wear similar summer clothes. Here everything seemed to be different, exciting. I remember just how much I yearned to explore the town, see what it had to offer, only for my current team leader and Octavia to drag me into Beacon. 

Ah, Beacon, a place I will forever remember as the Disney of Remnant, a place that claims to be joyful and magical in nature but ends up being covered in lies and hidden truths no one cares to look into. Of course, I hadn't known of this yet, my first thought of Beacon was something along the lines of 'A Fairy Tail castle, that's what that looks like!' To me, it was a perfect blend in between sci-fi and fantasy, melded together to create Beacon academy. 

Inside everything was clean and smooth, unlike Shade academy where mazes and the rocky floor were the natural terrains. I was quickly showed the way by my other teammates which had been given directions as to where to go. We were to head to the auditorium and wait for our temporary dorms to be assigned.  We arrived at a huge room which could easily fit one to two hundred people easily, it had huge windows to our left, allowing us to view outside into the yard of Beacon -- the sights from that window were incredible, possibly one of my favorite parts in Vale.  Looking at the mountains and blue sky was amazing, and I loved looking at it, it was a shame our dorm windows faced the other direction.

The first thing I did when I arrived at the room was to wander towards that small balcony beyond the window and just stare at the horizon from it, the mountains perfectly lined up creating a small space for the sun to set in, the sun seemed to perfectly fit in that small spot. 

From behind me, I heard footsteps come closer, but not towards me, and then a woman's voice which was stern and formal spoke up, "Good afternoon all students which have come here for the tournament," I remember ignoring the speech of whoever was talking to just take in the breathtaking atmosphere. 

Though I didn't hear the speech of the woman I did notice when it ended, everyone started murmuring, and I remember thinking to myself, 'If only these guys weren't here, then I could enjoy this marvelous view' then I felt someone tap my shoulder. I turned around to see a blond woman styling her hair in a bun, she had forest green eyes and was slightly shorter than me. She stared at me with knit eyebrows. 

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