Ch. 4 | First-day in Beacon pt.2

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A/n: The purpose of this fic is to help my creativity and plot development in my stories. Please do give me constructive feedback at the end of every chapter, it's important for me.


I swung my sword vertically downwards with a grin. I was certain I'd hit her on the neck downwards. My whole mass was on this attack, her weapon was away from her body as my other weapon kept it away from me. There I stood, ending the battle so I could gain my fireworks, time seemed to slow down around me as my sword slowly made its way towards Pyrrha's neck while she was unable to protect herself. 

Then I hit her. It was a clean hit, with nothing in the way, the movement of my sword made its way down. It was quiet for a second after my attack, I stared purely at Pyrrha's face as she looked at me with a victorious grin. 

I remember looking at her eyes and questioning why she was being so smug, everything seemed to be lower in volume, I looked at her lips, she was certainly saying something, but I couldn't hear what. I stared at her for a few seconds more, pressing down on my blade while doing so.

Why hadn't the alarm gone off? I wondered, looking at Pyrrha's grinning face. I felt a sudden danger below my head and decided to jump backwards. I saw Pyrrha's leg attempt to hit me. Before reaching any conclusions I quickly glanced at the screen beside me, Pyrrha had indeed lost aura, but it was right above the elimination quota, meaning she was still in the fight. 

My eyes widened as I quickly snapped my head back towards the red-headed girl in front of me. Something was wrong, she was whispering something to me, but I couldn't hear her, there was an unsettling ringing in my ears that wouldn't go away.

I narrowed my eyes and lowered my stance; she was coming towards me, running, then sprinting she wasn't stopping to transform her rifle, at the time I made the assumption that her reasoning for not shooting me had to do with a lack of ammunition. 

Using this to my advantage I ran towards her as well, I reached her and swung my sword horizontally. Pyrrha jumped over me and then used my shoulder as a landing pad to jump away from, a force which although was enough to take aura away from me, wasn't actually capable of taking me out of the fight. 

I turned around and saw a quick-moving object come my way, I remember the surprise I felt that moment, 'Why didn't I hear that?' I questioned, she had clearly kicked her shield, so why was I not capable of hearing that happen?

Thankfully, I managed to arch my back enough to dodge the shield coming my way, while falling on my back I kicked my legs and made a back handspring to go back into my feet. Only then did I realise what had happened, I grit my teeth while putting my hand near my ear and looking at her. 

I glanced back at the aura screen, we were in a similar position as before, both one hit away from being taken out of the fight. I locked eyes with her again and dashed towards her, she stood still and prepared herself for my attack, I grinned while dashing towards her, everything seemed to slow down around me, I could feel my heartbeat start to beat quicker while running towards her.

Every step forwards brought me closer to her, every step closer I could feel my heartbeat spike, and with every step forwards I had time to think. While running towards Pyrrha I took a deep breath -- I felt my heartbeat slow down as I ran towards her. I kept my body warm, my mind cold and my eyes in movement. 

My mind was in overload from all the thinking, my eyes darted from the hand she was holding her weapon to her legs, trying to search for any small movement that might indicate an attack. For a second, while I ran towards her time seemed to completely stop, I wasn't moving and neither was her, the ground below me disappeared -- it turned into pure darkness, the walls beside me also disappeared, the ceiling, the crowd, Goodwitch, all of it disappeared from my line of sight.

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