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ⓐfter the chips and the bike ride home, I went straight to the books. I opened Dreams and began right from the beginning. I was looking for anything that would help me understand what had happened, was Hartburrow and what he said real? Hopefully this book would help. On the cover, it said;

Twins by blood, can still be broken into two seperate hearts.


We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them(Albert Einstein)

That one was on the first page, just after the table of contents. I thought this book was going to be a waste of time after that, but really, it was the complete opposite.

Dreams are only reality, but more interesting. Some people wish that they had dreams for reality, some people wish that other people's reality was their's. Some people idolize other realities, and become selfish and cruel, trying to take it and make it their own. Many become greedy, turning their inner souls foul and grotesque. But overall, the mystical ways of others can only be truly felt by the power of dreams.

I read page after page, chapter after chapter until I realized that I had read for over three hours, and it was now seven o'clock. Dad had been calling me down for quite a while, too.

I read until it was 7:10pm, and then I decided to walk downstairs in guilt, also, I smelled the burning sensation of Dad's amazing hot chocolate and cream biscuits he picked up from the Fair and County Shop.

I sat once again across from Dad, looking at the back end of the village paper. I slurped down my hot chocolate and guzzled down a bunch of cream biscuits, god, they were good.

"So." Dad started off. "That bloke in the shop, what did you say his name was again?" He tried to make conversation with me after I rejected him for a bunch of books.

"Um...Creeton...Creeton Mc... Creeton McFinally!" I snapped my fingers.

"Very interesting bloke." Dad chuckled. "Very strange, though. He was talking all about the fact that no one really comes to the shop anymore. Was saying about a brother of his, Ashton. Never really understood much, just that he left the family, ran away. Said he went insane, but that chap was just as insane as his brother. Just stay cautious, eh?" Dad always was worrying about safety.

"I will, Dad. Don't worry." I reassured him and took the last sip of my hot chocolate.

Dad laughed to himself. I watched him as I stood up and walked over to him. He put the paper down next to his mug, still in the same, circular stain it left.

"I'm going to bed." I kissed his forehead.

"Really? It's still quite early." Dad seemed to check me over with his eyes, almost as if he was checking I was normal.

"Yeah." I fake coughed loudly. "I'm quite tired from the bike riding." I did another fake coughed and rubbed my hand on my chest as if I was sick. "I just need a bit of rest." I smiled.

Walking upstairs I heard him mumble to himself over and over again. Probably talking to Mum.

In bed, I read my books until my eyes grew heavy, which didn't take too long. I decided to begin reading the history of Azafar, which was really quite extravagant!

Azafar, was just like you and me. Somebody living their life, but Azafar's journey continued, causing him to be cursed by his own family, making him a cruel demon sent to suffer, alone.

I continued to read all about him, and his long lost brother and sister in hiding. It was actually pretty sad, I almost felt sorry for the guy, but I had to talk to Hartburrow soon and ask him all about it.

Hartburrow! I found you!
No no, I cannot stay.
But, is this real?
It isn't, but I am. I am actually inside your dream.
Why are you here?
I'm trying to protect you, but he's got me.
Who, Azafar?
No, I don't honestly know.
I am confused!
I know, but listen; you are not safe. He knows you are here. He knows all about you. Please, go!
No, I'm not leaving you or this place!
You must, I...
Robyn, go. Just...


I can't believe that he's in trouble!
You mustn't do anything.
I have to! He's a friend.
A friend? How long have you known him?
A day or so. But still!
Still, nothing! That's what these things do. Enchantments; make you amazed, glued on the idea you are so alike; friends, even.
Mum, you're not making sense, I...
None of this is, and I am not your mother!
Of course you are!
No, I am not.
Your mother is dead!
But she's always in my dreams to talk to me!
Not anymore, Robyn...
He took her away, he doesn't want you hear, so he isn't letting her come to you. She's gone...
No! You're just jealous!
I know! You are lost. And you are upset! I know, OK!?
No! I am here to protect you!
That's a lie! Hartburrow protects me! You are just a woman.
Hartburrow is gone, too. And if you don't stop, so will your father. I am here to try and stop him...Azafar...

I woke up. That was all a dream!? Who was that lady? And why on Earth was Hartburrow in trouble...and...Dad?

☪"The final forming of a person's character lies in their own hands."☪

-Anne Frank☪

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