Why is Winnie the Pooh on are porch with a wedding ring 😟😟🤨🤨🤨🥺🥺😩😩😩😱😱😰😰

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A/N: You ever just be trying to go to the hospital and somebody body shames you 🤩🤞

When birdy cock man boo and uwu pony woke up they went to Carl that way they could lock him away in a tower that way nobody could ever find him and take him away

When they got home they saw Winnie the Pooh on their porch

When they tried to approach the bear in attacked pony pony uwus face

Mordebabe saw red

He grabbed the ugly bear and threw it ten million miles across the world and went and grab the bear again, jumped on to the Uranus and threw the bear back to earth

Once the bear was dead him and teidebjfhrxlight had smutty muddy fun time right next to the wedding ring on the porch

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