Side note: My next chapter will be an actual chapter, I promise😰😰🥺🥺💜💙💜💙
Once again, I already have a lovely apology with me 100% cry☺️ ❌❌⁉️❗️NOT FAKE❗️⁉️❌❌
Anyways, this is my headcanon, you can have your own I'm just once again explaining myself that way people don't tell me to off myself😚😍😍🥰
So question of the day, is Saiki k gay🤔
Now if you're someone who fetishizes gay people then leave because I don't want any relations to people who are like that
Anyways, first piece of evidence - We know that he supports because in one episode Imu was asking Saiki if he knew any guys to date Teruhashi because Imu said that if Teruhashi wasn't dating anyone than Imu would probably switch sides (aka, date Teruhashi herself) and Saiki responded with saying 'Switch sides then' showing clear evidence that he is fine with people who are LGBTQIA+ and that is my first piece of evidence ( not saying that people who support are always gay, just showing that he is fine with it )
Second Piece of Evidence - He hasn't shown liking to when any girls like him, when Chiyo liked him, he did everything to make her not like him, showing that he didn't like her, he doesn't like Teruhashi because he knows her true nature so I'm not going to bring up her, Aiura liked him and he showed that he didn't like her and so they are friends, well as close as friends are with Saiki, he has shown no attraction to any girls what so ever but you know who he has shown attraction to?
Evidence part Three - Satou Hiroshi, now you may say that it is just Saiki admiring him but I have evidence that say different, Chapter 267 of the manga Saiki says that he really likes Satou, now that could have just been passed off as friendly but it is what he does next that proves my point, he compares the way he likes Satou to the way that Satou likes Suzumiya Hii, the way that Suzumiya likes Toritsuka, and the way that Aiura like him. And like I said, Aiura has a crush on Saiki, and this can't be an accident because Saiki is too smart to make a slip up like that. Saiki also trying to get Satou to be his friend, like Saudi clearly really wanted Satou to be his friend
In conclusion, Saiki straight up said he liked Satou, so you might not think of it that way but remember, this is my headcanon so don't send my hate comments and death threats
Thank you for listening and have a wonderful rest of your day (especially you Kermitooo) The chapter 267 I was talking about
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