Chapter Twenty-Five: Torturer

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POV: Tommyinit

I step in front of Nightmare. Be like Sam...I have to be like Sam and get into Nightmare's head.

"Well, look who it is...little Tommyinit. The little boy who was too weak to fight for himself," Nightmare laughs. I'm not weak! Ugh!

I look back to Sam and see him nod. I take a deep breath and begin, "I'm not weak, if I was I'd be the one tied down to a log right now."

"Well, if you're not weak...then how was it so easy for me to convince you that you have nobody? It's still true by the way," Nightmare replies, lightheartedly. I'm not alone! Sam's right in here with me, I have friends.

"He's not alone, idiot. Who do you think I am? Some step in for a friend?" Sam begins walking over towards us, "That I'm just faking it? That-that I'm just pretending to care?! That's you! That's all you!"

Sam looks like he could kill and honestly it's almost as scary as when I watched him talk to Nightmare. Watching your friend manipulate someone is something that I don't want to see again.

"He's right, you're the one who promised to be there for me," I spit out.

"If you're so strong, then why do you both need each other? Is it because I'm too hard to handle?" Nightmare snickers.

"No, it's because we're not stupid like you. No matter how alone you think you can be you always need a friend, it's the brave thing to do," Sam states coldly.

Sam is now standing next to me with Nightmare in front of us. He seems to have run out of things to say which is good for us. "Why did you do it? Keep me at a torture camp for months," I ask Nightmare.

He doesn't respond, just looks at the floor. "So you're ashamed?" Sam asks, looking down at Nightmare. Nightmare continues to look at the floor.

The three of us just stay in silence until Sam says, "Well, see you later." We walk back to the door and Sam opens it, stepping outside. I look over my shoulder at the man who caused me so much pain, he won't ever do that to anyone again, I'm going to make sure. I turn back around and walk out of the room.

~This is the second part to this chapter, hopefully you like it! If I do go through with my plans of a Tommy and Sam duo it will be FULLY PLATONIC I just want everyone to know that because I will probably have them become better friends. Anyways, I love you/p and don't forget to take care of yourself! <3~

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