Chapter 7

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OTIS Point of View

After about maybe 3 hours on the coach, we arrived on our destination, Beaumont-Hamel, a preserved battlefield of the Somme. British troops suffered over 19,000 fatalities here on their first day, making it one of the bloodiest days of British Army History.

We were divided into groups and I belong to Ruby, Anwar, and Liv. Ruby and I walked to the battlefield hand in hand, observing the tremors that had occurred on the place. There is a dummy that looks like a soldier, standing tall with his mask, uniform and riffle. Beneath is a bunker that has pictures displayed and some caption detailing the event that took place before.

Of all the horrors in the field, it was Kyle that was super shocked that he pulled out his stocks of wild mushrooms and gave some to the students. I saw Jackson and Cal took a few handfuls of the mushrooms and immediately ate it in one go.

Ruby was unusually quiet during the trip. So when we finally had the chance to be alone from others I managed to ask her if she is okay.

Otis: Rubes, are you okay? Do you want to go back to the coach?

Ruby: It's okay Otis. It's just too much you know. By looking into this field, I can definitely feel the sadness here.

She hesitates but took a deep breath and looks at me.

Ruby: You did know what happened to my father right? Though he was not in the army, but I can see the pain he's been through. Even if he clearly don't want to show it but I know he's suffering too much pain. And coming to this place just make it very comparable to what I can see at home.

I do not know what to respond. She's right. It's just too much. I look into her eyes and I can see tears forming. I immediately hug her to stop the tears from falling down her face. Oh my Ruby, so fragile. And so lovable.

Mr. Hendricks called it a day and let us go back immediately to the coach. Unfortunately, we were way behind schedule so, we must hurry.

While our field trip driver, Terry was managing to take our trip on schedule. The unthinkable happened. The car outside crashed on us and we were forced to take a stop to see the damage and what caused it.

We managed to go out on the coach but a very disgusting smell as well as poo-like stuff was on the windshield of the car that crashed us. It appears that someone had thrown a human poo outside the coach while running. Then unfortunately, the human poo hits the car that was behind us, which is the cause why they hit us.

The problem was at first chaotic, as there were no one who likes to own that it is their poo. But unexpectedly, Adam bravely owned it and said that it was his poo. After settling with the car owner, we were forced to take a 15 minute break near a gasoline station.

Ruby was still kind of sad with the trip, so I let her position her body against me as her human pillow. She was in deep sleep when I get out the coach to go to the nearby toilet.

The toilet was small. One cubicle for male and one for female. My bladder was already full and ready to explode the moment I got inside the toilet. After I finished, I stretched my arms and legs as the trip was way too long which I hadn't expected.

I got out and there she was. Maeve. We haven't really talk much in these times as I have been with Ruby most times. But Maeve is still my friend. One of my best friends, so it wouldn't hurt to chat a little bit with her here.

Otis: You all right?

Maeve: Aimee and I just had our first fight. This trip is the worst.

Otis: Can't get much worse than a rogue poo.

She smiled at me. Well, a rogue poo can really be very unexpected. Then we both realized the coach had already gone. And they left without us. I reached for my jacket but only to remember that I left it on my seat. With Ruby still clutching to it. Then I ask Maeve if she had her phone with her.

Otis: Have you got your phone?

Maeve: No, I left all my stuff on the coach.

Otis: Me too.

Maeve: Okay, it just got worse.

It's starting to go dark when I start panicking. I remember that I am only B in French so I am not really that good at it. So maybe it is a bad thing now that we are left behind in a deserted gasoline station.

I am feeling hungry. I am worrying what are we going to eat, since I am always hungry all the time.

Otis: I am panicking. Are you panicking?

Maeve: No, we're not gonna starve to death, Otis.

Otis: I don't think you're taking this seriously enough. We could die.

Maeve: We're not gonna die! Someone will drive past. We can use their phone. It's gonna be fine. Otis:We should hitchhike or just walk to a nearby town.

Maeve: I think we should stay here.

Otis: Okay. This is bad! This is very bad! Okay. How do you say "help" in French? How do I say "help"?

I was so stressed and I just realized that Maeve was laughing.

Maeve: Sorry. You're funny when you're stressed.

Otis: Well, you're not helping.

After I called a few helps in French, I gave up. I sit beside Maeve and for a moment, she just looks me and forms some thought in her mind but hesitates to share.

Maeve: Congrats about you and Ruby. I observed it is kind of serious between you two.

Otis: Well, yeah. I love her, you now. And we are now connecting deeply and I am very glad about it. How about you? How's it going with that Isaac guy?

Maeve: That Isaac guy. Yeah, things are good. I like him.

Otis: I am glad we were able to talk about these things Maeve. As friends. It means a lot to me.

Maeve: Yeah, I am glad too, Otis.

Then, once again I saw Maeve Wiley smile, as if things had never changed between us. Still, we are great at being friends of one another. Just being good friends. No more no less.

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