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jean's phone rings. it's eddy. 

"hey, jean. can you and seb help me with something? i'm coming home." 


it's a drizzly day when jean asks brett to go somewhere. 

"where do we have to go?" 

"i got us tickets for a concert, man. this is gonna be fun. seb will come along." 

"okay, okay. whose concert?" 

"it's a surprise." 

"why would i watch a concert when i don't know whose it is?" 

"isn't the mystery part of the fun?" 

"i'll come along just because i don't want to be left alone here. this better be fun." 

"oh, you're in for a ride. you won't regret this." 

"sure," he says dubiously. 

"okay then! be ready by 6pm, and let's all meet here. we'll all go together. don't be late." 

"okay, okay. why are you smiling like that?" 

"smiling like what?" 

"you know, you've been strange these days." 

"have i?" 

"yeah. and you're always on the phone, too. wait… are you dating someone?" 

"hell no!" 

"okay, okay! no need to get so defensive, eh?" 

"piss off." 

"so are you actually?" 

"no. seriously." 

"okay then." 

"6pm. don't forget." 

"i won't." 

"don't be late." 

"i won't." 

"you better not be. see ya, okay?" 




t's around 5:30pm when brett starts freshening up. he gets a plain shirt, some decent jeans, and a zip-up jacket, nothing too fancy. he decides on what to bring, what the fuck do you even bring to a concert, anyway? he thinks he'll just bring his phone and his wallet, and he supposes that jean or sebastian has his ticket. 

it's 5:36 when he's fixing his hair and his phone buzzes. 

wear something decent
not suit and tie and shit but like
idfk just dress decently

is a shirt and jeans ok

im lazy


no wtf.. 
wear a dress shirt or sth

ok boss :/


asshole we're both bosses now <3

anw bring a jacket too

it's gonna be cold i think

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