Ch 1, Part 1

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Kaede's POV (the whole fic is gonna be in Kaede's POV unless I say otherwise so I won't keep putting these at the start of the chapter after this okay enjoy the chapter lol)

Monokuma disappeared after announcing the killing game, and now everybody's freaking out. I remember last time that immediately after it was announced, we tried using that 'exit' route set up by the mastermind to escape. Yeah, we're definitely not doing that again.

I sighed. Right now, Kaito and Kokichi are arguing about what we should do. I want to break them up, but yet, I feel like I shouldn't. It'll probably just make things worse. I want to get everyone to cooperate with each other, but I don't know how to do it.

I looked back at Kaito and Kokichi. Yep, sure enough, they were still fighting. Except now it's just evolved into insults and they just keep calling each other idiots.

"Hey, can you degenerate males just shut up?! Fighting isn't going to help anything!" Tenko yelled.

"Atua agrees. This is pointless and it's going nowhere." Angie said.

"Well, it's not my fault this idiot wants to get us all killed!" Kaito yelled back.

"What are you talking about?! YOU are the one who basically wants us all to go on a stupid suicide mission! We should just stick with mine!" Kokichi argued.

"It's not like your plan isn't any better!" Kaito yelled again.

"Hey, how about we all calm down, alright? We'll figure something out." Kirumi said calmly.

I sighed again. Angie and Tenko are right, this really is going nowhere. Suddenly, somebody tapped on my shoulder.

"Hey, wanna get out of here?"

I turned around. It was Rantaro again.

"Oh, uh, sure. This doesn't seem like it's going to end any time soon." I replied.

"Cool, let's go."

Rantaro and I walked out of the gym and went outside. It's really quiet and peaceful out here, unlike what we just experienced in the gym.

"So, Kaede.. I wanted to ask you about something."

"Oh, okay, ask away then.."

Rantaro paused for a few seconds before speaking again.

"..You know something, don't you?"

I was dumbfounded. Why had he brought something like that up all of a sudden?!

"H-Huh?! What do you mean by that?!"

"..Honestly, I'm not sure. It's just that you were acting so strange earlier. When we met, you already knew my name, and you weren't even shocked by the announcement of the killing game. So.. I just wanted to know what's up."

I didn't know how to respond. I can't tell him what had happened! He wouldn't believe me at all! He would think I'm insane!

I guess I took too long to respond, because before I said anything, Rantaro sighed and started to walk away.

"Hey, wait up! Rantaro!"

I got up and chased after him, but strangely enough, as soon as I got back in the building, I completely lost sight of him. I sighed and tried to figure out where everyone else was.

They weren't in the gym anymore, so I just walked around until I found them all gathered around something. I immediately knew what was going on, because once again, Gonta was picking up the golden manhole cover with only two fingers. We are sure as hell not doing this again!

"Um, hey, guys?" I interrupted. Nobody seemed to hear me though. Well, except for Shuichi.

"O-Oh, Kaede, you're here, we were waiting for you. Um.. Where's Rantaro?"

"Uh, I don't know where he went off to actually, but.. What's happening here?" I knew I didn't even need to ask that, but I just wanted clarification.

"Well, Gonta said he found this manhole earlier and thought it could mean something so we all decided to check it out."

Gonta set down the manhole cover beside the manhole. I couldn't let everyone just waste their time and energy falling into this stupid trap again.

"W-Wait! Don't go in there!" I said loudly so everyone could hear me.

Almost everyone turned and looked at me. Kaito was the first to speak up.

"Hm? Why? This could be our chance to escape!"

"I just.. Don't trust it, that's all. What if it's a trap?" I replied, trying not to arouse suspicion.

"Oh, don't be such a fucking coward, Kaediot! We're going and you're not stopping us!" Miu shouted.

"Miu, please calm down. She's right, it could possibly be a trap. She's just being cautious and looking out for us, Miu." Kiibo responded.

"I agree, this whole thing just seems like a suicide mission. Even worse than the one Kaito was trying to send us on." Kokichi stated and smirked at Kaito.

"H-Hey, just shut up, idiot! I'm sure it's not a trap!" Kaito shouted back.

"W-Well, I don't think Monokuma would've just left this here without doing something to it. I'm with Kaede on this, sorry Kaito." Shuichi stated.

Kaito sighed. "Fine, I guess you guys can do what you want. But I'm going in! It looks promising!" Kaito said to everyone.

In the end, Kaito, Tenko, Gonta, Miu, Angie, Himiko, Tsumugi, and Kirumi went in while me, Shuichi, Kiyo, Maki, Ryoma, Kokichi, and Kiibo stayed out. Well, at least I saved some people from total exhaustion..

I told everyone that I had to go and I went to look for Rantaro. I couldn't find him anywhere, so I figured that he was in his room. So, I went and knocked on the door. He opened the door immediately.

"Oh, hey Kaede.. Sorry I ran off earlier. I shouldn't have asked you that."

"It's alright, Rantaro, don't worry about it."

We both stood in an awkward silence. What else was there to say?

"Well, um.. It's almost nighttime, so.. I'm gonna go back to my room." I spoke up.

"Ah, alright.. See you tomorrow then."

"See ya."

Rantaro shut the door and I started walking back to my room. The day had gone by so fast. I guess it was because of all that exploring the academy earlier. As I go in my room and shut the door, I can hear footsteps outside. I guess it's everyone else coming in to get ready for bed, too. I'm gonna guess that the route leading to 'escape' didn't work.

Jeez, I got so caught up in all this that I didn't even get a chance to start thinking about a plan.. Maybe I could make a plan with somebody else.. Maybe Shuichi? No, I haven't talked to him as much, and considering the way it went last time, maybe that's not the best idea.. Hm.. Maybe Rantaro? Yeah, I'll do it with Rantaro. That way, we can ensure that neither of us dies..

But I need to make sure he trusts me first..

And I also need to make sure I can trust him.


A/N: hey! so i made this chapter a little bit longer than the last one, hope you enjoyed it :D i actually really enjoy writing this much more than i thought i would, so i'm gonna try to update as fast as i can, i really hope you guys like this fic as much as i do! well, that's all for now, next chapter coming soon!

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