Ch 2, Final Part

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"The culprit is Kaito!"


The whole room was shocked into silence, and everybody turned to Kaito.

"H-Hey, why are you guys looking at me like that?! I didn't do it, I swear! He's lying!" Kaito exclaimed.

"But, he could be right. We haven't questioned you guys yet." Tsumugi said.

"Yes, what exactly were you two doing for Monokuma? You never went into detail." Kiyo said.

"I-I can tell you.. Kaito was-" Shuichi started, but got cut off by Kaito.

"N-No! Don't listen to him! I didn't do anything!" Kaito said.

"Kaito, please let him speak. You can't just deny it before he says anything. That makes you look more suspicious." Maki said.

"But it'll just be all lies anyway! Because I know I'm not the culprit! I would never murder anybody! Especially not Tenko!" Kaito exclaimed.

"Kaito, Shuichi is one of the most truthful people I know. He would only lie if it was for the purpose of finding the truth. Just let him talk, you would be better off." Kokichi said, looking Kaito dead in the eyes.

"..F-Fine. Tell them, Shuichi." Kaito looked down in defeat.

"..Right, uh.. I might as well tell you all of what happened then, huh..? Well.. I was with Kaito, and everybody else was either off doing their own thing in the dungeon or sleeping, so Kaito came up with an idea that would get us out of here.."

*Flashback* (Basically closing argument lmao this is really long I'm sorry)

"..Hey, Kaito? Do you really think we're gonna die in here..?" I asked Kaito.

"Well, it's likely, I won't lie. But I.. I think I know a way out of here." Kaito said and looked down.

"Oh? What is it?" I asked him.

"Well, I didn't want to at all, but it's our only way out, so.." Kaito paused and started whispering to me.

"What if we murdered somebody?"

"W-What?! Kaito, no! We can't do that! Are you insane?!"

"I know, but I honestly don't think the others are going to find us a way out or murder anybody and stop the time limit."

"Well, I mean, you never know. They probably are working on something right now-"

"But what if they aren't, Shuichi? Are we just gonna be cowards and let everyone die? No! As much as I don't want to either.. It's our only way, Shuichi. So.. Will you please help me with this?"

"Won't we both die if we get caught though?"

"..No. Only I would, because I'll take the killing blow. Only I deserve execution anyway."

"W-What?! Kaito, no you don't! If we're gonna do this.. We can at least die together.."

"Shuichi.. *sigh* I appreciate that, but I want you to live. Be better than me and live. And hey, if we don't get caught.. The both of us can leave together. So you'll live either way. Everybody else, including me, all depends on if I get caught or not."

"Kaito.. You can't do this.. Please.."

"..I'm sorry, Shuichi, but please trust me."

I thought about it. I didn't want Kaito to murder anybody, but I knew what he wanted more than anything was for me to live. So.. I hesitantly accepted his offer.

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