Ch 1, Part 2

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Ding dong, bing bong

Ugh, it's morning.. Jeez, I forgot how loud the morning bell was..

I hesitantly got up out of bed, got ready for the day, and left my room. I started walking down the hall to the dining hall, where I assumed everyone would be. Sure enough, they were all there.. Everyone except for Kokichi.

"Hello, Kaede. Please take a seat, I have made breakfast for everyone." Kirumi said to me and smiled. I smiled back and sat down. She really is the Ultimate Maid.

Tenko came and sat down next to me.

"Hey girl! How's the food? I helped Kirumi with it! ..Well, not much, but I tried, heh.." Tenko said.

"It tastes really good! You both did a great job!" I said back to her and smiled. Tenko blushed.

"Thanks, Kaede! ..By the way, did you happen to see Kokichi while you were on your way down here? Nobody's seen him since last night." Tenko asked.

"Ah, no, I didn't.. Surprised you care about a 'degenerate male' though." I replied and smirked at her.

"H-Hey! I don't! I only asked because everyone else was wondering!" Tenko said and crossed her arms angrily. I laughed.

"I know, I know, I was just kidding." I said.

About 10 minutes passed and Kokichi still hadn't showed up.

"Jeez, where is that brat?" Kaito complained.

"I'm not sure.." Shuichi said.

Kirumi sighed. "Kaede, if you don't mind, could you go look for Kokichi? I think he might be in his room." Kirumi said. I was unsure why she asked me in particular to go, but I still agreed.

I walked down to Kokichi's room and knocked on his door.

"Who is it~?" Kokichi said loudly in a sing-song tone.

"It's Kaede. Everyone's wondering where you are." I said back.

"Oh, you can come in you know, the door's unlocked!" Kokichi replied. Why did he keep his door unlocked-? Whatever, I shouldn't even question it. This is Kokichi, after all.

I opened the door to find him writing on a white board. Where did he even find a white board in this place?

"Welcome to my evil lair, Kaede!" Kokichi said, doing his signature laugh after. I looked around. We've barely been here 24 hours and Kokichi's room is.. Very messy, to say the least.

"What are you doing, exactly..?" I asked him.

"Oh, just plotting a murder!" Kokichi said casually. I knew it was a lie, though.

"Kokichi, you shouldn't joke about stuff like that!" I scolded him. Then I noticed he had bags under his eyes.

"..Did you even sleep at all last night?" I asked.

"Nope! I stayed up doing this, of course!" Kokichi said proudly. I sighed.

"You should get some rest, Kokichi. Sleep is important for your health." I scolded him again.

"Aww, Kaede cares about little ol' me! How sweet!"

"Well, how about you come eat breakfast then get some rest, alright?"

"Fineeee, I guess I will.." Kokichi whined. "But, before we do that, I have something to talk to you about~!" Kokichi continued.

"Um, alright, what is it..?" I asked him.

"Well.." He paused and sat down on his bed. "How's the second round of the killing game going for you?" 

I was speechless. Kokichi also remembers?! Why hadn't he told me before?!?

"Y-You remember too?!" I asked him.

"Mhm! I could never forget something like your execution!"

Kokichi mumbled something after, but I wasn't listening anyways. My execution.. I didn't even want to think about it, but I couldn't help it. That was a horrifying experience.. Something nobody could forget.. Well, unless you had your memory erased..

I shook it off and thought about what to say next. Kokichi lived longer than me last time, so.. Maybe he could tell me what happened after I died.

"Hey, Kokichi.. What happened after.. You know.. My execution..?" I asked him quietly and sat down next to him.

He then went on and explained all the deaths that happened after mine..

"-So, yeah, then Gonta got executed, and then-"

Kokichi stopped himself.

"Huh? What happened after that..?"

"Uh.. Nothing! Absolutely nothing! All I know is I slipped into sweet unconsciousness, then I woke up here again!" Kokichi told me.

"..Kokichi, you don't have to lie." I told him.

He stayed silent for a few moments, until he spoke up again.

"..Nah, I don't feel like telling you. I don't know why I told you all this anyways. It's none of your business." Kokichi glared at me before getting up.

I sighed, then got up also. It's fine if he doesn't wanna tell me, but.. I'm worried about him, I guess. He's always lying, so nobody ever really knows when he's telling the truth. And he's always hiding his true emotions, too. I guess Shuichi's detective intuition sort of rubbed off on me, that might be why I'm able to see through his lies..

"..Well? Are we gonna go to the dining hall or not?" Kokichi asked me, waiting by the door.

"Oh, right. Yeah, let's go.." I told him.

"Yay! I'm starving!" He said happily and started skipping down the hallway. Jeez, he can switch moods really quick.

We got back to the dining hall, and as soon as we got there, Kokichi was all over Shuichi. Literally.

"Saihara-Chan~! I missed you!" Kokichi exclaimed, pulling Shuichi into a tight hug.

"H-Hey, can you l-let go a little? I can b-barely breathe.." Shuichi stuttered in response.

"Alright, alright, fine!" Kokichi let go.

"I, um.. Missed you too, but we just saw each other yesterday.." Shuichi said back.

"Aww, Saihara-Chan really missed me!" Shuichi smiled at that and ran a hand through Kokichi's hair.

"Ugh, get a room, you two!" Miu shouted from across the room.

"Hmm.. Well, now that you say that.. I might as well make out with him right here, in front of you guys~!" Kokichi smirked at Shuichi.

"W-What?!" Shuichi exclaimed, blushing very hard.

"..What's going on with those two?" Kiibo asked me.

"No idea." I replied.

I noticed Rantaro talking with Korekiyo. Ah, that's right, I still need to make a plan with him..

I blocked out what was going on with Shuichi and Kokichi and listened in on their conversation.

"Ah, yes, that sounds like a great idea.." Korekiyo replied to whatever Rantaro had said.

"Yep, I've got it all planned out.. I'm gonna make sure of it.. I will end this game, all on my own."


A/N: HAHA! I left you all on a cliffhanger ;) I also added a little Oumasai to this chapter because I adore that ship along with Amamatsu, so you are very welcome for that, fellow Oumasai shippers- Anyways, I once again hope you enjoyed this chapter! Next chapter coming soon~

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