Chapter 4 - Inside and safe?..

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First view POV-Shy

After entering the house Sabre talked with the orange steve he knew quietly telling him some stuff which he responded to with a quiet sorry before turning his attention to the other steve in the room saying hello to him quickly before to me.

"Shy Orange Steve are you okay? I bet that was really scary for you.."

He asked me worriedly as he came up to me as I squinted my eyes and rubbed them before i stated yes with a simple nod of the head.

"Yea? Okay!"

He gave me a smile before turning to look at the other Steve looking at me.

"Hey there oh- worried Orange ste..-"

Worried quickly cut him off saying to me.

"Thank goodness! You are okay!"

Sabre started talking but by now i just was spacing out. I really just wanted to sit down and just cry so much right now. But I didn't want to worry them. But he soon just told me.

"Shy Orange Steve. Uhm- what about you stay here with Worried Orange Steve- and j-just make sure you both don't go anywhere."

I nodded a bit as i went over to him and gave him a side hug as he looked down at me giving me his most confident smile and i tried to do the same. I soon reflected my attention to Sabre tho which had already talked half a sentence out.

"Against these infected.. Worried Orange Steve where's the Leader at? We need to go talk to him as f-fast as possible immediately!"

He shortly turned and came up to Worried questioning him as he stuttered from talking so fast.

"The leader is on the top floor.. , but he looks tired"

Worried told Sabre looking at him before at the staircase a bit.

"Oh no.. his probably using a lot of energy to try and keep this shield up...! , okay you two stay here! Orange Steve come with me!"

He told his friend as he hurried up the staircase the Orange Steve following him after giving us a tiring looking smile. He probably is tired from breaking the shield.. i mean! It's made out of the most powerful Orange Steve's aura! Understandable I'd be tired too if that happened.

Worried looked down at me before hugging me.

"Shy.. I'm sorry you had to see that. It probably was terrifying for you. I mean look at your eyes they look so tired and red. And your cheeks stained red ironically and are so humid.."

He worriedly stated towards me as he put a hand on my cheek making sure I'm okay before fully engulfing me into a bear hug. I just sniffled before returning the hug. My eyes getting puffy once again as i was looking down.

"Worried.. w-why did this happen so suddenly.. why did they had- have to come back.. I don't want to lose anyone else.."

I started stumbling on my words as i tried talking and i looked up at him my legs just trembling a bit.

"I.. I don't know Shy.. I really don't.. i also don't want to lose anyone else as well.."

He mumbled as he looked down at me too his smile had faded almost completely after he heard me sniffle a bit.


After a few more minutes i calmed down and Sabre came back down the stairs with his companion too. I was just against the bookshelf and Worried was just now pacing around a bit. Sabre stopped there and started talking with the Orange Steve quietly as for us to not hear what they are saying. I don't think i could handle a lot more being told to me I'd probably have a breakdown so i am more glad then anything. I stated to myself and to no one else.

The Orange Steve nodded. Shortly they walked out the house at a good speed and from what i heard then i gave out a sigh of relief or stress? Don't know.

"Shy.. do you think we are going to make it out?.."

Worried questioned me after turning back to me he had watched them leave the house.

"I h-honestly can't think or even say Worried.. but! Sabre and that Orange Steve promised to protect us! I-i.. i mean the leader is doing that too currently!"

I tried being optimistic as I pulled my legs up to my chest playing with the strings to my shoes trying to comfort myself from what is happening out there.

"Yea.. you're right Shy. We just have to be optimistic that they do! I mean. What else can we do?"

He questioned quietly to himself as he sat next to me smiling a bit as he looked towards me.

Suddenly the door got pushed open the Orange steve entering quickly as Sabre was holding something while in his hand in the doorframe of the door both I and Worried got up as he just talked worriedly he soon turned to us yelling to his friend who was fearing for his life from what i could tell.


Before turning around and we didn't have to talk and we just started running upstairs behind us was his friend finally talking.

"Go go go! Don't stop and go in the furthest corner over there! The darkness is in!"

He yelled at us while I didn't like it I understand it's for our safety and we did as told meanwhile he went downstairs as quickly as he could after us saw us going there.

Lighting started striking a lot which seemed like with no end then Sabre started talking a bit his voice fading as they went outside. I couldn't exactly make out much but , i just slipped down the wall trying to think of what to do now. Shortly i saw Sabre and his companion running up the stairs up to the leader probably to tell him something.

Meanwhile i stood up quickly losing my ability to stand almost quickly falling down but I luckily didn't because of Worried as he gave me the brotherly worried look he always had. And i just laughed a bit awkwardly because of it...


Word count - 1042

Uploaded - 23th of September


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