Chapter 5 - The aftemath

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First view POV-Shy

It has passed at least a day ever sense then and i was just thinking while uptop the scaffolding looking around the village it was a mess but it just meant we can make something more better.

I suddenly heard the strange mans voice again and i looked a bit in that direction. Trying to think of what his name is again. But i just gave up with a sigh they shortly popped up and came up to me looking at me saying hi. I responded with

"O-oh. Hey Mr.. what's your name again?.."

I asked him awkwardly as i looked down at them.

"Oh! Shy Orange Steve! Whatsup dude! It's Sabre- it's Sabre-"

He told me with a bright smile. Well at least he is doing better from after that panicky mess we where in a bit ago.

"And this is just Orange Steve-"

He added on while both looked at the other. Before turning back to me.

"It's nice to see you man! I see you guys have been working on the place! You've been working hard so far.. especially from how soon it was"

He added on while looking around a bit shocked i smiled and responded with.

"Y-yeah! We're doing our best with what we got and I'm currently taking a break."

I told as i looked on the right side of him to the progress made.

"Oh yea! It does seem like that. It seems nice i must join you up there in a second! But where going to talk to your leader first! We're back to sorta just help peace things out! Talk to you later man!"

He yelled as he walked off with Orange Steve. I smiled as i watched shortly just zoning out in that place humming a bit.


Sabre yelled at me I didn't realize i zoned out that much as I looked down at them listening in now.

"Do you know where a lead where the infected steves are? Saw anything? Or anything like that."

He asked as I looked down at them as i responded with.

"No , i do not know."

I shrugged a bit as i said that with a wondering tone watching him tell Orange Steve something that I couldn't exactly hear because of the breeze before he yelled.

"Hey where coming up!"

i heard that looking at the scaffolding Sabre was going at he came up talking with me.

"Hey- it really seems you are taking a break here. So how long are your breaks supposed to be? An hour?  30 minutes?"

I laughed a bit as he said that.

"I get tired easily"

I responded with as i soon got up.

"Oh- okay well i think i want to go higher up on the building i haven't been able to see the whole village."

He said as he went up the scaffolding us both following behind him.


Third-view POV

Sabre soon got confused between the two of them as they talked about what came to mind. Shy talking a bit about their interests soon they noticed a globe in the distance with a bit of small talk they soon left towards to check it out while shy just continued working on the building shortly. But soon enough the Leader showed up where he was.


First view POV-Shy

"Oh! Hey there Leader what's up?"

I asked him cheerfully as i jumped down from the scaffolding looking at him as i smiled.

"Well. You see Apprantice. The sky is up. But really it's that I finally finished your apprentice hat here."

He told me as he soon handed it over to me. I looked down at it and saw it had a pretty lighty orange tulip sewn on it on the side.

"I.. thank you very much leader! I love it!"

I told him as i soon gave him a big hug while smiling brightly. He remembered that i like Orange tulips.

"Your welcome. I don't think the tulip really looks that good but i tried.."

He awkwardly laughed as he hugged back soon adding on.

"You can wear it when ever you want to. Don't be pressured into doing it if you don't feel like it."

He told me with a bit of a strictly tone as he looked up a bit at me. I suddenly got a question and i just asked without really thinking about it.

"Leader- how old are you?"

I questioned as i saw him fake some guilt before stating in sarcasm.

"Wow! That's so rude to ask Shy! I'm leaving that's just rude."

He said as he let go of me and walked off he didn't spare a glance at me knowing he would have laughed if he did or does.

"Wait- I-I'm sorry leader! Is that why your so short!?"

I answered back towards him as i walked fast behind him trying to catch up as i tried not to laugh.

"Now that's just insulting Shy! Your just one of the youngest Orange Steves here that's all!"

He snorted a bit but tried to keep serious as he kept walking to his house.

"So- Leader does that mean I'm going to have to take care of the problems of the Orange Steves sooner?"

I asked now laughing as i couldn't keep it down anymore but the leader just looked back at me from his doorframe wondering a bit.

"Let's hope not! Not yet at least."

He said before shutting the door on me with laughter in his tone.

I shook my head and walked back to continue building. Not even realizing how much time has passed soon hearing yelling from the Orange Leader.

"Shy! Come help me! The past infected Steve's are now cured we need to get them inside."

As i heard that i soon just jumped down and bolted to the the leaders house opening the door before entering and started pulling out two seats.


After awhile of taking care of the Orange steves i just put on my apprentice hat now being outside it was pretty chilly anyhow and i wanted to see how it fits it has become sundown now from what i saw. And i just wanted to watch it go down for a few before going back inside.

As i then went up the scaffolding and i sat down i just started watching the sun go down while smiling now not even paying attention to the breeze going on.


Word count - 1084

Uploaded - 24th of September 2021

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