Chapter 1

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(up top is Stargaze, reminder none of the art is mine)

Dark Shadow's POV.

"Carrier! Please wake up, please!!"

I groaned as I slowly opened my optics to see my panicked an fearful daughters face. "Oh thank primus!!" she sighed in relief as she hugged me tight. I winced in pain as she did but I quickly returned to the hug. "I thought you died there for a bit." she pulled away as she had a few tears in her optics. I frowned slightly as I looked around we were still in our ship, the main controls were fried and sparking as was most of the room. It then all came back to me "Stargaze are you alright?" I quickly asked remembering we had crash landed.

I looked her over as she sat next to me "I'm fine carrier" I frowned as I could she wasn't, for one her right wing was bent and twisted. "Dear, your wing is damaged. Your're not fine." I panted as I tried to look it over "Carrier, its not leaking energon. I made sure." Stargaze pulled back from me slightly as she looked at me. "You're the one in need of medical help." she said as she pointed to my right leg, I looked down seeing it had been impaled with a sharp pace of metal from the ship. "I-I tried to remove it but every time I would move the metal, you leaked more." Stargaze explained worriedly as she gently looked over it again.

I winced in pain as she touched it but hearing me in pain made her quickly pull away. I panted as I sat up, I saw the metal was to large for me to walk around with. "Y-You shouldn't move, maybe I can-" before she finished I activated my blade as I quickly slashed the ends of the metal on my leg, it only leaving a few inches on each side of my leg that was sticking out. "What are you doing!?" she yelled slightly as her optics widened as well. I panted lightly as I retracted my blade "Well, I ain't getting far with that large pace of metal in my leg, am I?"

I slowly forced myself onto my feet, pain shooting up my leg as I did but I fought it as I straitened up "You can't travel on that leg carrier, what if-" "Stargaze, I have fought in the gladiator pits with worse injuries." I hissed in pain as I tried taking a few steps forward but fell onto my knee. My daughter rushing to my side as I got back up "I'll be fine, my dear. Now come one, we need to see if we are able to find help." I turned as I continued to limp out of the ship. I heard Stargaze groan softly as she followed me, once we both reached the outside of the ship we both looked around at the plants an wildlife.

"Star, you got anything on this place?" I looked down at her as she held her hand up an a small screen appeared above it. "Uh from the data, we seem to be on an organic planet called earth." she explained as she looked about as well, I winced as I held my leg Stargaze went to help me but I gently rested my hand on her shoulder. "I'm fine dear, lets just keep moving." I said as I picked a direction and just started walking. I could tell she was worried as I could feel it through our bond we share. "Have faith in your old carrier now dear." I joked slightly as I gave her a warm smile as she walked along side of me.

She didn't answer as she looked down, my smile faded as I sighed softly as we continued to walk. "I know you're strong Carrier but even the strongest bots can die from energon loss." I looked to her as I heard her voice and felt sadness through the bond. I knew full well what she was meaning when she said that, the sadness coming from the loss of her twin brother. Nothing else was said as we both continued to make our why through the forest.

I hoped you guys liked it.

Please comment what you think and if i should continue this story.

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