Chapter 5

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Optimus' POV.

It had been a few hours since Dark Shadow and Stargaze had arrived to the base. I had sent the team away not long after because they did not take the news of them both being related to the war lord well. Of course, I had already knew Dark Shadow very well. I had met her when trying to meet Megaton years before the war had even begone. I stood not to far away as I watched Shadow as she rested on the berth. I glanced to Stargaze she head fallen asleep, her head resting against Shadows arm. She had been worried for her Carrier the entire time. 

I was still quite surprised at the fact she was one. Dark Shadow had always been one to say she would never have sparklings of her own. I was never able to find out why tho. I was pulled from my thoughts as I heard Shadow groan, I looked to see as she opened her optics. Stargaze was quick to wake up as she looked to her "Carrier, you're awake." she said relived as she Shadow sat up, Star quickly hugging her "Easy dear...." Shadow gently put her arm around Star as she held her. I could see her smiling as she looked to her, I couldn't help the small smile that formed on my face as I watched Shadow.

The moment was short lived as Shadow glanced over noticing me, her smile instantly fazed as she gave a slight glare. My smile faded as well as I came over to the both of them "Sha-" "It's Dark Shadow too 'You' Prime." she stopped me from speaking. I looked to her as I blinked a couple times, Stargaze giving her a confused look but said nothing as she sat next to her carrier. Dark Shadow still holding a harsh glare towards me, I gave I small inward sigh as I looked to her. I could see she held great hatred towards me, much like her twin. But hers started before Megatrons hatred did and I never knew why.

"Dark Shadow, you know I mean no harm to you. Nor your daughter." I said as I stood a few feet away from both of them, Shadow only huffed as she stared at me. "Carrier, he helped us. Why are you being rude too him?" Stargaze  asked as she gave a slight frown to her "Nothing that needs to be disused now, Gaze." Shadow's look soften as she looked to her daughter and gently held her face. Shadow then pulled her hand back from Stargaze as she turned back to me "As for you, I don't want you anywhere near me or my daughter." I could hear her anger on her voice, I could of winced at the tone in her voice.

Much like Megatron, I had been good friends with both him and Dark Shadow. It still  hurt my spark to fight him but her anger was much stronger towards me then his was. "I understand" I paused a moment before speaking again "You are both welcome to stay here for the time being tell you are fully recovered." I turned as I walked out of the med bay.

Stargaze's POV.

I frowned as I watched the Prime leave, I turned back to my carrier "That wasn't very nice." I crossed my arms as she looked to me. "Gaze don't start, you know I don't like being around autobots as it is." her look softened but I could tell she was thinking about something. "Just stay away from him for now dear, that's all I ask." I stared at her a few moments before i sighed "Ok Carrier." 

She smiled as she kissed the top of my head, which made me smile as well. I rested my head against hers a few moments before she pulled back. I glanced where the Prime disappeared to as Carrier talked to me, I got lost in thought as I could tell she really hated him. But I didn't know why or why she wanted me to stay away from him. I just shrugged it off for the time being as I looked back to her, just glad she was alright.

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