Chapter 34

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ok i have a song up top but if you're unable to listen to it

its Poison by Hazbin Hotel.

And it'll be the song Oj will be listening too

Arcee's Pov.

I walked into the main area as I looked around, the humans were home, and it was later in the day. Most were on patrol or doing something around base, I spotted Dark Shadow and Stargaze at one of the computers talking away. I watched them a few moments before I turned around as I heard someone coming up behind me and saw it was Oj. He said nothing towards me and stepped past me and towards his carrier and twin. "I'm heading up top to get some air" was all he said before heading towards the elevator "Hey what about I-" Stargaze started but Oj was quick to cut off "Prefer to be alone." he said bluntly as he continued and disappeared once more. I frowned slightly as he walked away from his family and watched how it had hurt his sister as her wings lowered against her back. Dark Shadow resting a hand on her shoulder as they watched him leave "Let him have his space dear..." she spoke gently to Star before she looked up to her "But I have been, he refuses to talk to me or even look me in the optic." Star said as she was worried for her brother, but he was shutting them both out and everyone around him.

I listened from afar as they spoke and looked off to where Oj had went for the elevator. I knew this behavior was connected to Arachnid and what she had done to him. The way he was acting reminded of what I did after losing Tailgate, I had shut down and had isolated myself and choose to work alone as much as I could. I hummed softly before I turned back to the two other femmes as I approached "If you want, I can try talking to him." I suggested as they both turned to look down at me. The ex-gladiator frowned slightly at me but said nothing as Stargaze butted in "No offence Arcee but we know him better than anyone and I don't think that'd end well. He tends to have more of a temper in this state." the seeker said as Dark Shadow sighed lightly "Why would you wish to help him?" I started up at the larger bot as she crossed her arms over her chest and waited for an answer. "Because I have been where he is at and still am dealing with it." was all I said as she seemed to be taken back slightly but was quick to cover her emotions as she looked to Stargaze as she too looked up to her.  Both seeming to have a silent conversation before the ex-gladiator sighed and looked back to me.

Oj's Pov.

I stood on the edge of the base as I watched the sun set below the horizon. I had my headphones around my neck as I just stared, waiting till it was dark out before looking up to the stars. The stars were so bright here, I had always liked training under the stars. I sighed as I put my headphones on and kept a hand up as I started flipping through music while I turned back away from the edge an towards the center of the roof. I reached up behind my back as I grabbed one of my weapons I still had, it being similar to a samurai sword. I had learned many fighting styles over my lifetime, thanks to my uncle having me trained by the best. I spun the sword in my left hand as my right continued to search for something to listen too. 

I frowned as I kept finding stupid radio talk shows, growling lightly under my breath as I started to tap a bit fast. "Come on, gotta have something good!" I hissed slightly before I paused as I caught something new playing. I hummed softly as I put the song on repeat and turned around an stared at the stars a few moments. I then moved as I was down on one knee and had my sword at my side. I closed my optic as I closed myself off from the world around me and let my mind focus on the song.

~I'm Not Above A Love To Cash In~"
~Another Lover Underneath Those Flashin' Lights~
~Another one of those ruthless nights~
~Yeah, yeah, yeah~

I listened to the song go on and let my mind work as i played out a battle within my mind. I shot up as I blocked a blow from another sword, my optic remained closed as I went through the motions. In my mind I forced myself to fight what were my inner demons, each demon a figure of the mind. As the song picked up so did my speed in my swings, I panted as I blocked and dodged invisible blows. I let the music control my movements and brought my sword down hard as I kicked up the sand on top of the base. Lighting out my frustrations, my anger, my sadness, guilt. I gritted my teeth as I stayed on my knees as that glitch filled my mind. I was back on her ship, drugged, defenseless, weak. I kept my optic shut tight as I dropped my sword and gripped my head. 

I panted heavier as I couldn't stop myself from entering another PTSD episode. I could hear her voice rattle in my head as she would drug me with her venom. I could remember the first time she did it, the feeling of my body shaking as the venom affected my nerves and spark. "You're won't listen, I'll just make you~" I shook my head as I lost all feeling to my body, but I still was self-aware of my surrounds. "Now rise~" In the memory I watched through my own optics as I did as the glitch said, having no emotion on my face as I did so. "Good~ Now be a good boy and get rid of her~" she said darkly, and we both turned as a femme that was hanging up on the wall. The femme crying as she looked horrified at me "W-What did you do him?!" the femme cried out "Oh~ Nothing harmful, just gave him a dosage of venom that affects the brain~ Keeps him from having any control and forced to obey, isn't that right my dear?~" Arachnid crawled up and hung off my larger frame. One of her clawed legs moved under my chin and made me look to her.

"Yes my queen" was my mindless reply to her and turned back to the femme as she let me go. I was disgusted at the words and tried getting out of the nightmare. I couldn't as Arachnid gave me the order to kill the femme and without hesitation I active my canon while I approached the femme as she struggled and pleaded for me to snap out of it or for Arachnid to stop. Think was I was trying, I was doing everything in my power to break from Arachnids control but I couldn't. I watched with tears in my optic as I put my cannon against the femmes chest while it charged. The femme and I locked optics as I was about to shoot, I shut my optic as her final words rang loud in my head. "I forgive you..."


I jumped back to my feet as I quickly took aim as my headphones were taken off. I panted heavily as I stared down the short Autobot femme holding her hands up slightly along with my headset. I blinked quickly as I looked around once, I swallowed a bit as I lowered my weapon and turned away. "What do you want?" I snapped as I didn't let anyone see me this way, I looked back to her as I felt her hand on mine. I jerked slightly as she did so but didn't pull away as I saw she had put my optic patch in my palm. I tensed as I reached up and felt his patch had fallen off. I looked back to her as she now saw what I chose to hide from others. Her seeing my big scar around my optic and the brightly red optic that stared back.

I hoped you guys enjoyed it.

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