Chapter 19

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Optimus' Pov.

I watched Dark Shadow leave the room after told her past. I knew much of her past and her twins. Both having been through much pain and suffering in their lives. "I never knew Carrier was a slave." I turned to Stargaze as she had transformed back into her biological form. She stared where her carrier disappeared before looking back to me.

"Was cybertron really that cruel before this war?" She asked me, I stayed silent a moment before looking back towards where Shadow went. "At times yes, our worldwas unfair to most lower class bots. A very flawed and cruel system we all were forced to obey." I spoke as I looked back to her. "Uncle spoke of our world before the war. Me and my brother never knew what it was like tho. Life without war. We have been forced to fight to stay alive." She fidgeted with her fingers slightly and sighed.

I listened to her and gave a sympathetic look as I knew it would of been hard to grow up in war. I couldn't even imagine the stress her Carrier went through trying to raise them. "Why wouldn't she tell me these things? We always talked, about everything." She looked down in thought. I watched her a moment before I stepped closer and rested my hand on her shoulder. "You're Carrier never liked telling others about her past. Another thing both her and your uncle have in common." She looked up to me as I spoke.

"She talks when she is ready too. Just takes times." I added as I pulled my hand away. She huffed a small smile "that's a Gladiator for ya." I smiled slightly as and nodded in agreement. "Thank you, for the talk." She spoke before going over with the children. I watched her a moment more before I turned and started walking towards Shadow's room.

I stood at her door as I lifted my hand to knock but stopped a few moments. I hesitated a few seconds before I knocked waiting a reply "It's open." I heard her call from inside. I touched the  panel as th slid open and I stepped inside. I saw Shadow sitting at her desk as she seemed to be looking over data pads. She looked over her shoulder to me as she laid the pad face down. "Expected my daughter to be at the door." She turned to face me in her chair.

"She is with the children, most likely working on homework." I explained as I came over, the door sliding shut behind me. "I expect nothing less from her, she was always at her highest in class." She smiled proudly about her daughter "She gets it from you. Quick to catch on." Shadow looked up to me before turning her head away slightly. "Still always giving compliments." I smiled gently tho she turned to her desk slightly.

"Why you here anyway?" She asked as she leaned on the desk, her head resting on her hand as she watched me closely. "Wanted make sure you're alright." I spoke truth, knowing full well she never told many about her past. I glanced to the other chair then her again. She stared at me a moment before she motioned for me to take a seat. I moved as I sat in front of her, a few feet of pace between us both.

"I'm fine Prime, that part of my past doesn't bother me as much as it did back then." She said as she lifted her right arm and looked at it. I followed her gaze as I knew that's where one of her many scars laid. "Doesn't mean that you ain't still bothered or uncomfortable talking about it." I added as I watched her. She looked at me before lowering her arm back to her lap. "I'm a Gladiator Optimus, we face our fears and enemies head on." She looked back to her desk.

"True....but doesn't mean you have to alone Dark Shadow." I watched her look back to me, her optics were always so bright. Showing so much hope and life, one of the many things I found beautiful about her. She could never see the true beauty that lied underneath the surface. She smiled gently as she chuckled "Nice to know I still have someone to watch me back." I smiled gently to her as we talked a while longer before I went to my room.


I hoped you guys liked it.

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