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Y/N felt like her heart was going to rip out of her chest. Bokuto's arm was still wrapped around her shoulders depsite being far from the school gates now. The streets were dimly lit but still hustling and bustling with office workers who had just gotten off work, heading into the bars and cafes around them.

Y/N looked up at the taller boy, he was looking straight ahead with a grin on his face.

'Why is he so happy?' She thought.

She stopped walking and a confused Bokuto looked at her.

"Hey, whats wrong? Is your arm still hurting?" He asked.

Y/N was not used to interacting with other guys. She only used to speak to Shinso and he never liked it when another guy tried to speak to her. He would always get jealous. And now, here she was, walking home with another boy. A sports teams captain to top it off and he oozed nothing but kindess. Why was he being nice to someone like her? She had done nothing but been a nuisance to him and his friends since they met. Bokuto was a bit odd but he had a pleasant aura.


She snapped out of her thoughts when suddenly his face was right in front of hers and she almost felt her soul leave her body when he pressed his forehead against hers.

"Nope, you dont seem to have a fever! You looked really red so I got worried". He stood tall again, as Y/N tried to regain her composure. She never had a guy, who wasnt Shinso so close to her before. These new momemts were leaving her feeling confused. Bokuto looked around, he wasnt very good at handling shy people, or more like, he was not used to handling shy people. She almost reminded him of Kenma. He decided he wanted to spend more time with her. With a grin, he continued

"Its around 8 o' clock , wanna grab a bite? I love this barbeque joint around the corner! Lets go, it will be my treat!"

He looked at the brunette again as she fiddled with the ends of her long wavy hair. She looked nervous. After a minute of silence, Bokuto felt like maybe he had pushed his luck and was about to apologise for being so forward.

"Okay... but its my treat.. because you saved me twice today... Bokuto senpai..."

Bokuto raised his brows and his grin widened. She finally looked him in the eyes. He took note of how lovely and green her eyes were. So unusual. Now that he got a good look at her face, without it being tear streaked or looking at the ground. He felt his heart flutter when she called him senpai. It was super cute and she was indeed, a beauty. He felt like he could stare at her all day and night.

They reached the restarant and before the entered, Bokuto eyes widended and he yelled,


Startled, Y/N jumped back a little and looked around worried that she missed something. Maybe he was just playing a prank on her, maybe this was all a joke and he didnt want to eat with her. She was left speechless when Bokuto bowed in front of her and then extended his hand out. His cheeks were red and he avoided eye contact with her.

Y/n was very confused.

"Um, senpai is everything alright?"

He looked very dissapointed and Y/N couldve sworn his hair had drooped down a bit to match his sulky mood.

"Gomen Y/N chan, but I realised we have never spoken before and I never properly introduced myself to you. I feel like such an idiot, I shouldve done this earlier! I'm Bokuto Koutaro, I'm a third year and the ace and captain of the volleyball team... which you probably already know" he ended with a proud look.

Y/n was left dumfounded. He had gotten upset because he forgot to introduce himself to her and she had panicked for no reason. She burst out laughing, surprising both him and herself. As he joined in laughing with her.

Still giggling, she felt more comfortable to talk to him. She grasped his out stretched hand and shook it gently. Both of them, felt a tingle from the skin to skin contact but ignored the feeling.

"Im (L/N) (F/N), Im also in third year, I dont really have any special skills or talents. Im part of the art club. If that matters?" She responded.

Bokuto chuckled and moved aside the restarant's curtain for her to walk in

"Well, (L/N) (F/N) who is part of the art club. Why dont you come and watch me play volleyball and Ill come check out your art work. By the way, do not say you're talentless, I think you underestimate yourself alot."

Her eyes widened. No one had ever told her that, no one had ever noticed. Less than 8 hours of meeting this guy and he already understands her more than anyone else had. Maybe he was not so bad afterall. She smiled gently at the owl boy, making his heart flutter once again and said,

"Come on senpai, lets go eat, im famished!"

With that, she walked in as Bokuto stared at her form, confused with his emotions. He just met her but he wanted to be with her for as long as he could.

"Famished? Gotta ask Akaashi what that means. Gonna use it in a sentence next time!"

Bokuto said to himself before inhaling the delicious bbq arouma around him as he happily trailed behind his new friend.

You Turn Me On!? 18+ (Bokuto Koutaro x OC) NSFWWhere stories live. Discover now