Final Chapter

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Fyi: if you wanna know what happens in the future with this couple, check out Wolves in Sheeps Clothing (Sakusa x OC book) it has some cute and less cringey moments with this couple! But be warned, that book is definitely rated 21+ as it contains very very very spicy smut.

And also congratulations for making it this far in this cringe filled book 😅 i know its very cringy but im proud cause its the first fanfic book i ever wrote and ive come so far :')

Chapter 20:

Parenthood was bliss for the couple. The first two months were challenging but Y/N considered herself lucky because of all the loving people around her. Baby Keiji did indeed take after his father, he loved to eat at any chance he got. If his mother was eating pudding on the couch, he'd crawl to her from his play pen and she'd try not to giggle as he'd stare at her pudding with starstruck eyes and drool dribbling down.

Bokuto loved his little guy, whenever he had a day off. He would take Baby Keiji to the park and show the 6 month old how he plays volleyball, only to sweatdrop as the chubby baby would try sucking on the ball instead. He'd often take his son for groccery shopping, he secretly loved pushing his stroller around while random strangers would gush about Baby Keiji to him.

When he was born, and the couple had returned to their apartment. Y/N was blown away by the adorable volleyball themed nursery he fiance and brother in law designed.

"Kou, wow! You did this with Hiro!?" She asked him. He sheepishly rubbed the back of his head.

"Nah, I came up with the idea but Hiro did the desigining and painting. I set up the crib!"

Y/N laughed and placed the baby in his crib before wrapping her arms around Bokuto's neck.

"Well you did an amazing job with the crib."

Before pecking his lips.

A knock was heard on the door and Bokuto excused himself to answer it, he had a giddy look and silly smile from his wifes prior affections and praises.

Answering the door, Bokuto was met with excited greetings by Yukie and a simple hello from Akaashi. Letting his friends in, as they took off their shoes and headed to the living room. Bokuto called for Y/N.

"So how was the delivery!? You had a boy, I cant wait to meet him!" Yukie gushed to Bokuto.

Bokuto laughed and was about to reply but he was cut off.

"It felt like I was giving birth to a watermelon... but hes the cutest watermelon in the world!" Y/N said as she stepped into the room. Her baby was awake, his curious eyes adjusting to the new enviroment around him.

Yukie squealed as Y/N handed her the baby and she cradled him and kept smelling him

"Ooooh, he smells so good! Hes sucha big boy! Bokuto he's -"

"Definetly my son, I know. Everyone tells me this." He chuckled.

Yukie handed the baby to Akaashi who calmy held him in his lap as the two stared at each other.

"Cute..." Akaashi muttered with a little blush.

"Whats his name then?!" Yukie gushed.

Y/N and Bokuto looked at each other before Y/N spoke up.

"Kou was the one who picked out the name and I loved it. Do you want to tell them Kou?"

Bokuto stared at Akaashi as a grin adorned his face.

"His name is Keiji, in honor of you, Akaashi! I wanted to name him after Akaashi because you saved Y/N and me from Shinso all those years ago. If it wasnt for you Akaashi, I wouldnt have been a volleyball player, Y/n wouldnt be an artist, we wouldnt be together and Baby K wouldnt be here right now... I want my son to take after someone I admire the most and who better than his own uncle!" Bokuto ended.

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