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Chapter 18:

4 Years Later

Y/N walked around the room, weaving through her focused students as they were all immersed in their own canvases. She was 22 now, her life was very different. In fact, after graduation, she stuck to her guns and remained in Tokyo to focus on her art practice as well as help her (at the time) single mother with Kimi and her job.

Life had changed completely, her mother got remarried two years ago after falling in love with a client, much to Y/N and her sister's happiness. Kimi, being 9 now was still hyper and loved her stepdad just as much as he loved them. Their stepdad had promised to take care of Okasan and Kimi so Y/N could finally further her career.

Yuri and Hiro had a simple wedding after Y/N graduated, they simply signed a marriage certificate and registered Yuri into Hiro's family registry, but they celebrated after with a family barbeque, much to everyone's pleasure. Yuri was now 25 and had a son a year ago. Her and Hiro decided to backpack with little Riku around Thailand. Y/N would smile to herself whenever Yuri would send photos of baby Riku in various cities or beaches. He was so adorable and was lucky to have such adventurous parents.

After her students left, Y/N sighed as she began gathering up the art materials spread across her studio. If 18-year-old Y/N saw herself now, she would be shocked and delighted. She worked hard and followed her passion at art school. Her passion lead her to a distinction and winning a special award after her thesis show, the award included a fully funded studio, as long as she held an exhibition at the end of each year. Sometimes Y/N would be sickened when she remembered Shinso and how he almost stopped her from such an amazing future. She used to be so afraid of everyone and everything. She used to be so weak until she met the one who changed it all for her.

'Bokuto...' she thought.

Wondering what he must be doing now. After graduation, Bokuto followed his passion and worked hard resulting in him becoming an outside hitter for the MSBY Black Jackals, a Division 1 team in Japan's V-League. She loved to catch glimpses of him on the television and she loved chanting,

"Bokuto Beam!" with the crowd. She was so proud.

Locking up her studio, Y/N shivered as the cold air hit her. She buried her face further into her scarf before starting her treacherous journey to her apartment. Stopping along the way as a delicious smell wafted through the air. Making her way into a bakery, she couldn't help herself and splurged on a plethora of desserts and pastries. When Y/N and Bokuto had started dating, she began to love food just as much as he did as their dates were always centred around trying some new dish or restaurant and she loved it except for the fact that she gained a little weight recently but Bokuto loved her regardless and would always reassure her every time she complained. He would always whine when she claimed would start a diet soon, worried not only for her health but the fact that the breasts, he loved so much might shrink because from the diet.

Y/N chuckled to herself as she reached her apartment door. She slid the key in and walked into the dark space. Quietly, she shut the door, slipped her shoes off and made her way to the bathroom. Taking a quick shower to warm up, she then decided to start dinner. Quickly checking what ingredients were left, she had enough to make hamburger steaks. Turning on the television in her living room, to a music channel. She drowned in the background noise as she began cooking. As time passed, Y/N didn't hear the front door open and close because she was immersed in the current pop song playing from the radio. Swaying her hips as she focused on plating together dinner, she gasped and almost jumped when thick arms wrapped around her waist.

"That smells really good, babe!"

"K-Kou! You scared me! When did you get home?" She asked him, wiping her hands on her apron before he cheekily turned her around to kiss her.

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