Post-Story Smutshot: Have a Happy Ending! (NSFW)

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Have A Happy Ending!

Y/n groaned as she tried to touch her toes. Carrying around a heavy baby for the last seven months, hadnt been easy on her bones. Baby Keiji was at that stage where he loved clinging onto his mother's hip. Even when she tried to lay him down next to her in bed. He had a habbit of crawling and laying ontop of her side. It was his personal cradle and Y/n's person hell. As sweet as he was when he innocently napped on his mom, Y/n's body was starting to ache.

It was a Friday night and Y/n and Bokuto stood by their doorway.

"Bye bye baby, have fun with Obachan this weekend!" Y/n blew the happy baby kisses as he gurgled in his baby carrier strapped on his grandmothers front. They waved each other goodbye before Bokuto shut the door.

"I miss him already" Bokuto whined as Y/n groaned, stretching her back out. Bokuto stopped his whining as he looked down at her.

"What's wrong babe?" He asked, touchimg her shoulder.

"My body's been hurting recently. Keiji is getting heavier and carrying him around has made my body ache a bit." She said before bending down to touch her toes. Bokuto stared at her form, eyes landing on her round little butt. He cheekily smirked to himself as he suggested

"Hey Y/n, lets go the bedroom. I know this special massage that can unknot your body and make you feel brand new again!" He beamed at her as she thought for a moment before agreeing.

"That sounds nice!"

"Great, you shower while I set up the station. He happily skipped to the bedroom while Y/n shook her head and headed to the bathroom. She moaned as the warm water loosened her tense muscles. Stepping out and wrapping a towel around herself. She walked into the room. Bokuto stood by the bed. A towel stretched in the middle. Some candles lit around the room. She took note of the body oil laying at the end of the bed.

"Put these on, y/n" he asked as he held up a pair of her cotton white panties. She blushed.

"K-Kou!?" She slipped as she snatched them from his hands.

"But babe, I have to use this special oil and if you wear clothes, theyll get ruined. C'mon, put them on and lie down. I swear I wont peek" as he turned around from her. Beknowst to her, he could see her reflection in the mirror and licked his lips when she dropped her towel and quickly slid on the panties. Y/n lay face down on the bed and called out to Bokuto who turned around.

His eyes scanned her body. He could see the curves of her breasts being pressed against the mattress, eyeing their roundness under her body. Bokuto wanted to glid his hand down her body, to feel her smooth back. He eyed her covered bottom, the underwear was a tad bit small on her now. Since she was still breastfeeding, she needed to eat. Baby Bean's appetite was insatiable. He couldnt wait to squeeze that plump skin under his hands

"Whats taking so long?" Y/n asked. Bokuto looked at the back of her head.

"S-sorry, Im coming" he muttered as he climbed on top of her. Crotch resting on her ass. He bit his lip. It was too early for him to get turned on. He had to control himself. His lover was in pain and he needed to provide her some relief.

She gasped when he poured the oil slowly down the middle of her back. Bokuto set the bottle down and got to work. She moaned as his fingers moulded her flesh. Dancing circles around her silky oily skin.

"Oh... that feels really good" she moaned as he kept his concentration on her lower back. As he pressed down hard on the middle of it. She squealed, making his cock stir as he focused harder on that spot.

"Oh god, right there Kou" she groaned, fisting the towel under her as she felt the tightness in her back unknot. Bokuto slid down her body as he grabbed the bottle, pouring the oil in his palm before he rubbed his hands. She kept moaning as he took his time to massage her feets and up her legs. She became quiet as his fingers kneaded the backs of her upper thighs.

You Turn Me On!? 18+ (Bokuto Koutaro x OC) NSFWWhere stories live. Discover now