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So with this fan fiction, I wanted to go in a more different direction that usual fanfics. I wanted my female MC to have a proper connection with another female member from Haikyuu. I personally believe good friendships are healthy for someone and I wanted my female MC to have someone they could relate to other than a romantic level for her own personal growth. I wanted her to gain confidence from another female figure.
In my personal life, my female friends helped me when I went through kind of similar ordeals as the MC (No, she is not based on me, just want to clarify) It makes my story a bit more believable for me, personally. This is why I chose to give Akaashi a smaller role and Yukie a slightly bigger one.

Im kind of tired of reading fanfictions where the MC is involved with the entire volleyball team or is bestfriends/siblings with their love interest's best friend. I wanted to bring a different twist to my stories. Do let me know if you think this story is getting better :D

Chapter 7

Monday was here, as students were chattering in the hallways. Yukie, Akaashi and Bokuto stood excitedly as they listened to Bokuto gush about his date. He first gave condolences about their tragic dog incidents which made his friends sheepishly look at each other before he continued telling them about the aquarium and park.

".... this time it was a date, guys! I asked her if it would be okay to think of our hang out as a date and she agreed! I saw a new side of her that day, she made me THREE..."

He extended 3 fingers, waving them proudly in front of his friend's faces

"THREE bentos, one full of beef especially for me!!!" He beamed

Yukie did a little jump as Akaashi smiled softly. He was happy seeing his best friend in high spirits. Bokuto had called him on Sunday and talked for hours about the date and how he was going to confess to the shy girl and ask her out officially.

The three kept chatting in the 3rd Year hallway as students walked by. Morning classes were yet to start. Yukie interrupted Bokuto before he could speak again as she spotted the subject of their current conversation. Y/N cautiously walked down the corridor; however, she froze when she heard someone call out her name. Snapping her head up, she saw a beaming Yukie, indifferent Akaashi and a blushing Bokuto. Her own heart was racing when she saw his adorable face. She wanted nothing more than to run up to the group and hug them so tightly, but she couldn't.

Yukie stopped waving and frowned, was Y/N was ignoring them?

"Hey Y/n, what's wrong? Come here!" Yukie waved to her. Now, Akaashi and Bokuto were getting concerned. She was avoiding looking at them, focusing on her sneakers.

"There you are, my baby!" a cheery voice rang out. The group's jaw almost dropped as Shinso appeared from a classroom and he wrapped his arm around the girl's shoulders before pulling her in to smooch her cheek.

Yukie let out a gasp and Bokuto felt his heart shatter in a million pieces.

"What the hell, y/n? Why are you with this asshole? After what he did to you! Are you insane!?" Yukie fumed as she confronted her teary friend. Bokuto didn't know what to say, he felt like a bag full of sunshine this entire weekend and in less than 5 minutes, his rainbow disappeared, and it felt like dark stormy clouds loomed over him. He clenched his fist.

"It was a misunderstanding, we made up on Sunday and talked everything through. Y/N said she missed me so much and wanted to get back together. How could I say no to..." He looked straight into Bokuto's eyes, as he nuzzled against a flinching Y/N and finished his sentence

"...my girl?"

Bokuto almost saw red and nearly launched himself at the boy but was being held back by some other students before he could hurt Shinso.

You Turn Me On!? 18+ (Bokuto Koutaro x OC) NSFWWhere stories live. Discover now