Nine - This is What it Takes

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Warning: Very minor swearing, not really swearing and a kiss THAT'S RIGHT PPLE SOME TIME TO GIVE SHAWN THE LOVE HE DESERVES BECAUSE I'M REALLY TOO MEAN TO HIM D':

Also- really dry texting sorry about that

You didn't pick up on Friday. Or Saturday. Or Sunday. Or yesterday.


He was feeling slightly better. He could remember what he was doing, but it was already Tuesday again, and he felt like he had accomplished nothing. He held his cup of coffee in his hand, attempting to stay awake.

Your surprise is tomorrow!

Im excited.

Even through texting I can tell ur tired. But you have to be there to receive ur surprise.

So uv'e said.

Oh, Shawn.

Im fine.

I swear, if you're not fine, I'll chop off your head and offer it to the gods.

U wouldnt

I would.

When r u coming back?

We'll see

That's not an answer

That's what makes it so fun 😆


Okay, gotta go. Time 2 sleep, like SOME odd normal people in the world

I'm not trying 2

ikk but still


ily 2

ily more


He let out a breath. Tomorrow. That seemed too far away.

~time skip~

A knock at the door sent Shawn bolting upright, snapping out of his train of thoughts as he unlocked the door. He blinked hard, backing up a step, his clouded thoughts completely clearing.

Camilla grinned, shoving her bags through the door, and closing and locking it behind her.

Shawn stood, dumbfounded, as he watched Camila lean casually against the door frame, before he got the notion to smile back. He launched himself at her, hugging the life out of her. He buried his face in her hair, steadying his breathing. It felt so good to feel her back in his arms. It had been so long, and damn, she smelled good.

She felt so good to hold (he's so grateful he's getting redundant, poor guy... remembers I'm the one who's doing this to him - don't kill me!), and when Camila turned her face up to look at him, he bent a little, gently brushing their lips together, melting into her warm embrace. His heart thundered, leaping and jumping in his chest, and he closed his eyes, for once not falling into the death trap of nightmares.

"You don't look so good," she whispered, her voice sounding so good to hear in person.

"I know."

"Tell me what happened."

He helped her unpack her bags, explaining all the details of every moment he could remember, before pulling her next to him onto the couch, and once again burying his face in her hair.

She looked up at him. "Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"'Cause it's so much easier to tell you in person," Shawn said, gently holding her head with one hand, and running a hand through her hair with another. He closed his eyes as she reached up and touched him. "I'm going to make dinner. You coming?"

Shawn stared up at the ceiling, turning on his side to see Camila peacefully resting beside him. Thoughts raced through his head, and he stood up, the dim grey of the bedroom too much for his thundering heart.

Opening the bedroom door, he flicked on the kitchen lights, sitting down at the island, drinking from a glass of water. Numb, he glanced up at the stove, where the time was displayed. 2:35. Groaning, Shawn lowered his head into his hands, begging his tear ducts to cooperate. He couldn't lose himself. Not when Camila was here.

Feeling arms around his shoulders, he leaned into his silent savior, smelling the rosy scent of Camila's body wash.

Shawn felt his shoulders shake, as he tried to keep himself from breaking apart.

"Hey, hey, it's okay," Camilla whispered gently, rubbing circles on his back.

Eyes burning, Shawn turned to fully hug his girlfriend, smiling into her soft pajamas, despite the stray tears trailing down his face.

"Thank you," he whispered, grateful for the arms holding him, aware that most people didn't have that leisure.

"No problem." She guided him back to their bed, gently sliding down after him.

He leaned into her, keeping his tears in, propping one arm up to raise his head to look at her. "Best surprise," he whispered.

"Yeah." She ran her fingers through her hair, propping one arm up as well to mirror him. She pulled him in for a gentle kiss, and they both lowered themselves onto their pillows, foreheads touching.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

"I love you more." He threaded his hands under his head, staring up.

"I love you the most." Camila paused. "Justin told me about what was happening, and I couldn't stay at the filming site anymore. They said we could leave sometime this month, and I was just fortunate enough to be done my scenes, so I came over."

"Did you have fun?"

Even in the dark, Shawn could see her grinning. "Yeah. Less fun for you, I'm assuming," she said.


"That sounded like a pretty terrible nightmare."

"It was. Both of them."

"They're like the song videos you recorded."

"The car one, yeah."

"The box one as well. Didn't you have an official song video with falling pieces of wall?"

"Yeah, I remember now."

She slipped her small hand into his, laying on her back as well. "You still writing in those journals?" She sounded tired.

"Yeah. Go to sleep. I hate to keep you up."

"Only if you sleep," she said back.

He didn't respond, and Camila squeezed his hand.

His mind narrowed down at the contact. For the first time in a long time, he felt her warm body next to his. A fuzziness clouded his vision, and he couldn't remember if anyone turned off the kitchen lights, just the warmth beside him, and the gentle hand clutching his.

A/N: Again the chapter is short =P sorry!

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