🖤 Echoes Of The Past 💙

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Shadow runs into a certain someone from his past but this time Sonic is there to help him deal with them.

- 3rd person POV -

The scenery before the eyes of a certain ebony hedgehog could have been easily described as pretty by many other.
His eyes however, registered only how dead and regal it really was, ignoring the smallest of beauty it held.

Shadow had been walking alongside a river that was flowing in a very canyon resembling place for god knows how long now, he never bothered to check just how long he's been away for.

He knew people were looking for him, Rouge must have taken notice of his absence by now of course, but he didn't care, not at the moment at least, his mind was too occupied with thoughts of how he has been treated and about his precious friend, who he had long lost, which led him to where he is now.

His train of thoughts was stopped by a certain female's voice, calling his name in a distressed manner, echoing within the huge walls surrounding him on each side of the river.

As a defeated sigh escaped his lips, he took a sharp turn on his heel and headed towards the voice calling for him- Only to be met by the sight of a blue blur heading straight in his direction, but he didn't realize soon enough to dodge, resulting in his forehead colliding with the reckless speedster's and thumbling over right after.
When Shadow had come to his senses, well, somewhat, he let out a low growl while his usual frown deepened as he put a hand to his head.

His growling didn't cease, instead it became somewhat louder as he slowly opened up his ruby red eyes, only to be met by a pair of emerald ones.
The moment he saw the position they were in, that being the blue hero sitting on his lap staring down at him while he lay spawled out on his back, his muscles immediately tensed and he ubruptly sat up while shoving his rival off of himself at the same time and glaring daggers at said rival right after.

"Faker." Grumbled Shadow with his iconic frown.
The blue hero just sat there motionless for a second, like a clock that the batteris had died in.

However he soon regained his composure and with a loud yell he made no effort to hide his surprise. "Shadow! You're here!" Shadow only scoffed dejectedly.
"I wonder just how much your eyes must have failed you to run into me like that and now they seem oh so fine." Said shadow with just a tiny pinch of sarcasm.
"I- ! I looked somewhere else for just a split second and next thing I know you're right in front of me! I didn't expect you to just pop up out of nowhere, specially since you've been gone so long!"
Shadow now a little dumbfounded, asked in a somewhat softer tone.
"I couldn't have been gone THAT long, or have I?"
Sonic gave Shadow an 'Are you kidding me-' look.
"Shads, I don't know about you, buuuut- I'd say five hours without letting Rouge know that you even left, is kinda suspicious of you."

As Shadow processed what Sonic had told him, he started questioning himself.
'It couldn't have been that long, could it? I didn't even... I didn't notice.'
His mind must've been more clouded over than he had thought.
As a few more similar questions popped up in his head, there was just one that specifically stood out.

"That kind of makes me want to know, the hell are YOU doing here Faker?" He growled softly, staring Sonic down.
"Ah- As I mentioned you've been gone for a while and- Rouge started to get really and I mean, REALLY worried. So she turned to us for help and here I am." Stated Sonic matter-of-factly as he averted his gaze, feeling a bit self conscious.

Shadow sighed deeply as he slowly got up, dusting himself off.
After he got up he offered a hand to Sonic who was, not just a little, but VERY taken aback.
"Uh- "
Sonic was about to accept his offer to help him get up, somewhat reluctantly, but was interrupted by Rouge strolling up behind them with possibly the most furious expresson Sonic has ever seen her wear.
It made shivers run up and down his spine in a frenzy.

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