🖤 Fear Of Water 💙

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Sonic had enough of the heat and decides to go to the beach, resulting in him having to face his fear, but never fear! Shadow is there to have his back! Or... all of him?

- Sonic POV -

It was the middle of summer and I couldn't stand the heat anymore in my house, so I've suggested we go to the beach, Tails and I.
Yes, I know, doing something that involves deep water isn't really the best idea but, I just needed to finally cool down somehow!
And now here I am, in the arms of that ebony rival of mine, hanging onto him for dear life.
Buuuuut, let's spin this back to where this started, shall we?

Tails and I were in his lab, he was trying to figure something out so we could overcome this thick heat.
But nothing seemed to make it go away, so I suggested something he'd normally never hear from me.
"Hey, I can't take this! How about we head down to the beach?" I looked at him with an annoyed face.

He just stared back at me with his wide eyes and a genuinly concerned expression.
"Sonic.. Are you feelin' okay?" Asked Tails.
"The heat must have gone to your head, you're not thinking straight." He dismissed it with a little shake of his hand.

"Why does that sound like YOU don't wanna go?" I answered with a chuckle.
"Sonic, of course I do! This heat is really eating away at me, but I didn't want to leave you alone at home." He stated.
"I'll tag along this time, the summer is extra unbearable this year I gotta cool down somehow." With a frustrated tone and a tired huff I sratched at my neck awkwardly as I closed my eyes.

"Alright then! Beach time!" Tails threw his hands in the air as he celebrated.

Oh boy.

Once we arrived at the beach it seemed we weren't the only ones who couldn't take it anymore.
I was met with a bunch of familiar faces.

Amy was sitting under a neat little umbrella, in a chair made of bamboo while sipping at a drink.
Silver was walking around the shore barefoot with Blaze, she had her arms folded behind her back as she leaned into the cool breeze.
Cream was sitting near Amy in the sand as she made sandcastles and was soon joined by Tails while Rouge was having a match of volleyball against some girls I've never seen.


Wait- ROUGE?!

If Rouge was here, that would mean Shadow is here too.

My eyes darted around the area as that thought settled in my head.

I spotted him standing next to a building, hiding in its shadows.
'How ironic.' I chuckled to myself as I thought.
He had his eyes closed and his arms folded neatly before his fluffy looking chest.
His sharp ears kept twitching in all kinds of directions, as if sensitive to sound.
His usual frown was somewhat softer, his figure as athletic as ever.
Alright, I admit, I stared.
That is, until his blood colored orbs suddenly snapped open and met mine right away.

The sudden action made me jump and I had an expression of pure fright.
He cought me and he didn't even have his eyes open-

I soon regained some of my composure and I tried to shake it off with a slight wave of my hand.
I walked towards him slowly and greeted when I was close enough to talk.

"Heyy, Shads, what'cha doin'? Couldn't handle the heat either?" I said jokingly.
I was expecting one of his usual moody responses, but I got a pleasent surprise instead.

"I am not usually bothered by warm weather, but the thickness does get me, I suppose." He answered with a realived tone.
"Ah, lucky you then, I cannot handle the heat at all, I always feel like I'm on the verge of melting like a lit candle." I chuckled as I scratched at my cheek lightly.
Shadow returned my chuckle with one of his own.
"The hero who fights deadly people, robots and creatures is being brought to his knees by a little warm weather, who would've thought?" Shadow stated as he let out a soft yet deep giggle.

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2023 ⏰

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