🖤 Admit it! 💙

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Shadow and Sonic have gotten pretty close and used to each other by now.
Little does Shadow know he enjoys the blue hero's company just a little more then he wants to admit.

- Shadow POV -

We've been over at Rose's residence for quite a while now.
By we I mean, Rouge, the red echida, the little rabbit Cream, Miles and I.
Of course, I was dragged along rather then coming over willingly.
Rouge wouldn't take no for an answer.

"How long til' he arrives?" I growled out lowly with my iconic scowl plastered across my face.
We were waiting for Faker to finally get here, but he's been taking so long I wasn't having it.

"Aw, does someone miss his hedgie?" Rouge gave me a teasing smirk to which in response, I deepened my scowl.
"As if." I spat out.
"Who'd miss such an annoying face." I turned my head to the side as I was leaning against a wall in the diner.
Next thing I know, Faker practically bursts through the door.

"Good morning!" He yells.
"Sorry for the wait you guys, I uh, kinda had something to deal with... Heh."
He awkwardly scratched at his peach cheek as I just stared at him with my eyes being open only as wide as a strand of hair.

He said a few more things which my brain didn't even register, seeing as I cannot recall any of it.
All I am really able to remember is his vivid green eyes and the slight smell of rain filling the room when he entered.

"Who would indeed miss such an annoying face, I wonder." Came a mocking tone from next to me.
"What?" I replied in a monotone voice and looked at the one next to me.
It turned out to be Rouge.

She didn't say anything back.
Rouge just softly chuckled to herself as she pointed a finger towards my hip.
I couldn't believe my eyes.
I refused to.
There I saw my tail, wagging about like an excited puppy's, which stopped right after I realized and jolted my head back up towards Rouge, who just continously giggled.

"You will not say a single word about this, understood?" I glared at the bat with my low voice now being filled with toxic.
"Chill out handsome, I wasn't going to." She held her hands up in defense, but her tone didn't waver one bit.
"It's not like I have to." She pointed one finger back towards the others while holdind the other in place.

I followed along towards where she pointed with my gaze.
Everyone in the room was just looking at me.
I was met with faces full of confusion and surprise.

"The hell are you all lookin' at!?" I spat.
To which all of them reacted with a jump.
Well, all of them except the little rabbit.
"Mister seemed so happy when Sonic arrived! His tail wouldn't keep still since he stepped in!"
All of us froze upon hearing the child's words.

"H-hey now, Cream! Don't tease Mister Shadow, he might change his mind and put as all 6 feet below." Stuttered out the echida as he hushed the rabbit.

By now Rose was having a hysteric laugh attack by the kitchen counter.

"But! That means Mister likes Sonic's presence right?? It is a good thing, no?" Spoke the rabbit once more.
Sonic soon turned his head in my direction to look at me.
My muzzle has been hinting a slight change in shade for a bit of time now, which I was sure he noticed even though I burried my face in my hands.
I just stood there.
Kept quite.
Oh I wonder why I have always hated social interactions.

As I heard the others laugh away, I was sure I'd soon get at least a disgusted look from Faker the moment I uncover my eyes.
But it never came.

Sonic took a hold of both of my hands that had been hiding my face.
For a few seconds he just stared at me, but a moment after his expression shifted into that of a gentle, sincere smile.

I had no idea what that meant and so, my ears faltered atop my head.
I was a bit afraid of his reaction.
But that fear was hushed away as soon as it came, when I felt Sonic put his arms around me.
He had a firm hold on me, his face brushing against mine.
I was sure my heart would burst at some point then, whether from embarrassment or something else I wouldn't know.

"I enjoy your presence too, Shads." Sonic spoke, a deep purr accompanying his words.
But that purr wasn't his, it was my own.
I could no longer hide just how comfortable I was.
My train of thoughts was stopped however, by Sonic pushing me back gently by the shoulders.

"Did you just PURR?" He asked with the most curious expression ever.

"I have no idea what you are talking about, Faker." I took a hold of his hands and gently took them off my shoulders.
"Wait, no!" He protested.
"Do it again!" He said.
"What?! No!" I sneered at him ever so slightly.

"If you won't comply, I'll just make ya."
He commented with a smug face.
I raised an eyebrow at him and one of my ears twitched.
Next thing I know he dives in for another hug, this time his face in my chest, nuzzling it.
"Wha- ?!" I was caught off guard.
But not enough to stop my face from changing several shades, my tail from wagging violently and do NOT even mention the purrs.

But I soon calmed down.
I returned his gentle hug with one of my own as I leaned my chin on top of his head.
I ran my fingers through his neat quills as he purred along with me.
A simple glimpse of his tail wagging just as much as mine was before, was enough for me to stop caring about how many eyes were on us and listen to the words of my true desires as I ever so slightly squeezed him closer to myself in my arms.
I could no longer deny it.
I liked when he was close to me.


1047 words

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