🖤 Chest Fur 💙

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Sonic's face colliding with Shadow's chest multiple times and Amy being jealous over it.

3rd Person POV

Sonic, Amy, Blaze and Knuckles were walking upon a neatly cut, grassy field.
They were just having some basic conversations.
The sun has enveloped the field with its light, coating it with a pleasent warmth.
It was a very calming place.
Well, it would've been for Sonic too, if it wasn't for the fact that Amy kept clinging onto his right arm, pulling the defeated hero along while she chatted with the others.

Not long after, for some reason, Rouge and Shadow walked up from the opposite direction of the crew.
When Sonic saw the two of them he sprinted over right away, beaming his eyes at them.
"Rouge! Shadow! What are you two doing out here?" He asked, his voice filled with excitement.
Rouge gave Sonic a cheerful giggle.
"Haha, oh Blue, it is nice to see you too. Isn't it Shadow?" She turned to the ebony hedgehog.
Shadow wasn't very interested to begin with and now he was also somewhat annoyed.
He just turned to show his side to them, while folding his arms and closing his eyes in a scowl.

"Aw, c'mon sweetheart, the least you could do is greet him!" Complained Rouge.
Shadow just gave an irritated huff as a reply.
But Sonic wasn't having it.

"Shads, c'mon! You can't be that angry at us all the the time!"
Sonic ran straight up to Shadow, placing his hands onto his lower arms as they remained folded.
He stood on his tip-toes to boost himself up a little, since Shadow was just a bit taller.

Now that they were on eye-level with each other Shadow decided to avert his eyes.
Facing to the side he closed his eyes once more in a frown, slightly embarrassed.

"Awww.. Shads, for real?" Sonic pouted.
"Hmmm.. " Then he hummed to himself as an idea popped into his head.
His eyes darted towards Shadow's chest that was half covered by his folded arms.
'I wonder what he'd do if I just- '
Without a second thought, Sonic decided it would be a good idea to mess with Shadow's chest fur and reached for it.

"WHA- ?!!" Shadow's startled screech scared even a few birds that in their fright, flew up from their hiding places.
Not to mention he got everyone's eyes on him now as well.
"The hell... " His tone deepened by the second.
"...Do you think you're doing?!" Sonic was sure he saw fire burning in his eyes.
"Whooooo! Go get em, Blue!" Rouge cheered.

Shadow gave Rouge a threatening glare, then took a hold of Sonic's hand.
"Touch me one more time and I'll show you something worse than hell itself!"
He sneered.
Sonic would've been frightened by Shadow's behaviour otherwise but in that moment all he felt was the warmth of Shadow's hand, holding his.
He just had a blank expression on, staring right into Shadow's soul.

Shadow didn't know what to make of the situation, his expression still showed fury.
Up until he saw Sonic's face, tinted with a slight blush.
His face froze up, his ears gently lowered themselves mimicing Sonic's face with the slight blush included.

The moment was ruined however, by none other than Amy Rose.
"Sonic! What was that scream about?! Did Shadow hurt you??" Amy stared daggers at Shadow while whining.
She then took a hold of Sonic and yanked him far away from the ebony.
"Stay away from that guy, Sonic! He's pure evil!" Amy stated.

By then, everyone was staring at the drama.
And that "drama" suddenly took a surprising turn.
Shadow growled under his breath and reached forward, taking a hold of both of Sonic's hands.
He pulled the blue hero towards him, threw his hands past his sides and circled his arms around his back.

Sonic's face collided with Shadow's fluffy chest.
His face immediately lit up like a flare.
"How about you stop talking in his place for once, pink furball. If he's bothered by my presence he can tell me himself."
Shadow leaned his head on top of Sonic's.
"But I don't think he is." Shadow commented with a mocking smirk.
He had noticed the violent wagging of Sonic's tail as soon as he hugged him close.
He wanted to wag his own very badly as well, but his pride would never let him do that.
He couldn't stop the blush creeping on his muzzle though.

"Wha- "
Shadow got a little startled when he felt Sonic tighten his hold on him.
He affectionately nuzzled into Shadow's chest, letting out a soft purr.
The blush never left his muzzle and Shadow was certain he forgot about his surroundings.

"Fa- Sonic?" Shadow called for the hedgehog snuggling him.
Sonic snapped back into reality as soon as he heard Shadow's voice.
His eyes darted around, returning his friends' stares.
Or- he would have, all of the faces around him showed a teasing smirk.
Except for a certain female hedgehog whose face showed only jealousy.
As much as he didn't want to move, his embarrassment got the better of him.
He let go of Shadow and stood several feet away from him much to Shadow's dismay, who let out a disappointed huff.

"Sweetie, no, no, no! You go back to your mans right now!" Rouge complained as she pushed Sonic back towards Shadow.
She pushed him a bit too hard though, so Sonic ended up knocking Shadow over.

"So uh, should we let them be orrrr..?" Knuckles spoke up after keeping quite so long.
"Yes, let's let these two lovebirds be. Alright Ladies and Gents, follow me!" Rouge held her hand high slightly waving at the gang.
Everyone except Amy followed along.

"H-Hey..?" Sonic's ears drooped somewhat as his blush rose.
"Well, hello there." Shadow returned his shy greeting with a teasing one as Sonic sat up on his lap.

"HEY!" Once again, moment ruined by Amy.
Everyone, including the two hedgehogs laying on the ground turned their attention to her.

"Get away from my Sonic! I don't get this, you're both males! Not to mention it's SHADOW! He's...! He's not even a real hedgehog!"
Amy whined.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Sonic spoke up, his words cold as ice.
"How is he any different from you Amy, ftom US? As far as I can tell Shadow is just as much a living being with feelings as you are! Don't you dare even bring up that topic!" Sonic was very mad, to think a close friend of his would say something like that.

"Shadow, forgive her, she- " Sonic never got to finish that sentence.
The rest of the group certainly fell speechless for an eternity as well.
Right when Sonic was about to apologize on Amy's behalf, Shadow had sat up and had taken a firm hold of Sonic's face.
"S-Shadow?" Sonic managed to muster out his name.
But that's all he could say before his lips were stolen.
Sonic's eyes flew open, but he soon smiled into the gentle kiss, returning it.

Amy was baffled beyond belief, fortunately for Sonic and Shadow, Knuckles simply threw her over his shoulder and walked off as she pounded his back with her fists.

Neither Shadow nor Sonic wanted to pull away, but they needed to breathe at some point.
Separating for a second only, Sonic connected their lips for another round.
Shadow couldn't help smiling into it this time.
His soft smile was accompanied by a deep purr.
"Wow." Sonic exclaimed as they pulled away for a second time, a purr of his own mimicing the rythm of Shadow's.

Shadow pushed his nose against Sonic's and with the softest tone he'd ever used said, "Thank you, for caring." His purring never stopped.

"Also... You're really bad at hiding how jealous you are of my chest fur, Faker."
He laughed a bit mockingly.
Sonic had his hands on Shadow's chest this whole time, playing around with the patch of fluff.

"I- Have no idea what you mean, heh.."
Sonic slowly pulled his hands away, he's been caught.
Shadow had a smirk on his face, while Sonic averted his gaze shyly.
"Hmmm~ I never said I mind."
Stated Shadow with an obviously fake hurt expression.
"Okay, now you're overdoing it!"
Sonic laughed as he pushed Shadow's face away with his hands.
"You suck!" He couldn't contain his roaring laughter anymore.

"But seriously, you have nothing to be jealous of, you're fine just the way you are."
Sonic circled his arms around Shadow's neck, pulling him close.
"Thanks, Shads."
And so they stayed for a while.
Just enjoying the warmth of the other, with soft purring here and there.


1455 words

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