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"Sam Wilson. It's great to finally meet you," Raynor said with a smile, "I'm James and Y/N's therapist.

He sighed, not sure what to say. "Thank you for getting them out,"

"That wasn't me,"

A puzzled look shot over him, "Then who was it?"

"Christina!" someone yelled.

They turned to the hallway where the shout came from. Sam seemed to finally understand, his face in disarray as to who it was. "You've got to be kidding me," he mumbled.

It was Walker.

His familiar cocky stride was unmissable. He jogged toward Raynor, greeting her with a side hug, "I heard you were working with Y/N and Bucky, so I thought I'd step in,"

Raynor nodded, returning his smile.

"They're both two valuable assets. Having them tied up isn't gonna do anything good for me. Do what you have to do then send them off to me," He clapped his hands and hurried off, "I'll be outside!"

While they had talked, I was in a holding cell. I wasn't even able to hold the bars.

It was cold and damp, the low hum of the lights being the only thing I could hear. The walls seemed to close in, every second stretching into an eternity, that is, until someone opened the door.

I winced at the high-pitch buzz that emitted from the control room, signaling that the room was open. I glared at the door, my eyes finding the person who was letting me out. "Hm, it's gotta be your lucky day, Zemo,"

"Okay. One, it's Y/N and two, I don't think being arrested is lucky,"

"Let me finish," the guard said, his voice with a menacing edge, "Christina's here,"

"Oh, yay! How lucky for me,"

"Enough with the sass. They're waiting for you," he spat, grabbing my cuffed hands and dragged me out, shoving me down the hall.

The sudden aggression caught me off guard, but without thought I retaliated. I felt a surge of defiance because I knew he was treating me as garbage due to bias.

I stopped abruptly, shifting my weight onto my heels.

"Keep mov-"

I thrusted myself backward with as much strength as I could muster. My back slammed into the guard's chest, knocking the wind out of him. "Shit—Bitch!" he gasped, clutching his chest while trying to create a distance between us.

"Shove me around again, douchebag!" I hissed, resisting his attempts to grab me again, "I'm not a goddamn rag doll!"

He stuck his foot in-between mine, tripping me with a swift move. "Try that again, and you'll see how much of a rag doll you can be,"

I landed shoulder first onto the floor. I could've sworn I heard my bones crack at the impact. I yelped, my eyes watering as I lay there, staring at the dirty unwaxed floor.

I was there for a few moments while the officer composed himself. I didn't even realize he had dragged me to my feet until he kept pushing me out and about. All I could focus on was the humiliation I was feeling.

I hung my head, my hair covering my face as we walked past people.

This reminded me of when I was locked up in the RAFT. Officers would do anything just to show they had power. It felt like I was an animal, I mean, I was treated like one. No one said a word nor batted an eye.

I was shaken out of my thoughts when we reached the lobby. I looked up to see Sam, and James. I didn't notice Raynor standing right in between them.

I noticed Sam's eyes widen as the guard pushed me along. I didn't want anyone's pity, it ignited anger in me. "Take these shits off me," I demanded, trying to free myself from the guards grasp.

**UNDER REVAMP** To Hate Is To Love  - (Bucky Barnes x Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now