"Is he okay?" said a boy's voice.
"I don't know. They beat him up quite badly." said a girl's voice.
"I'll grab him by his left, you grab him by his right. Got it?"
"Got it"
The boy and girl grabbed someone by their shoulders.
Their faces were blurry, though. So was the rest of the world, till it just got pitch black.
"Get up."
No response. This voice was different than that of the boy and the girl. Was this sound just a hallucination?
The world was getting back some color. A dream. Just as always, a dream. Wait, who are we looking at, though?
"Captain Bakker?" said the voice.
A blue skinned person in full military grade armor appeared. Helmet, face shield, reddish-brown camo uniform, bulletproof vest, everything.
Hang on, "Reddish-Brown Camo"? Isn't camo supposed to be green and brown to hide in the jungle? In regular warfare, yes, but this wasn't regular warfare. It was quite different.
"Captain Bakker, the CO wants to see you."
"Why?" asked the Captain.
"We'll let you know when we get there."
Captain Addison Bakker, Adjutant of the 3rd Wizards' Unit. He was from one of the 25 units that were captured. For 3 years he was kept as a Prisoner of War. His seniors were treated in such ways you wouldn't treat animals.
He blinked his eyes a little to see all the younger officers and soldiers in his room still sleeping. He got up in his bed.
"Which unit are you from?" he asked the guard.
"5th Mechanics' Unit," the guard replied.
"So Colonel Henry Bakirtzis wants to see me?"
"I see you've been learning a lot about us. I'm impressed"
Addison rolled his eyes and got up on the floor. He was quite strange, yes. He had fully orange skin, not even tanned, but like the fruit, along with 2/7ths of his back's length of hair, which was an even darker orange. His clothes were dirty and quite torn. He'd recently twisted and sprained his left ankle, so he was having trouble walking. The guard put handcuffs on his wrists, just in case he tried to escape, again. Then he walked Addison to his CO.
"So what am I being summoned for, soldier?" asked Addison.
"I've been ordered to keep everything vague, so here's the short version: some of our guards have been attacked and some of our machinery has gone haywire, and we suspect you have something to do with it." replied the guard.
"But I've been in my room for the past 12 hours."
"We know, but as you're the most senior officer still left alive, the rest will just follow your orders."
He walked the officer through the jungle, intentionally walking through rough terrain, as the officer didn't have his boots on, and would get hurt from stepping on the rocks, thorns, ants etc. They reached a thick walled bunker and stepped inside. The CO was sitting in his chair, vaping, and reading a novel. Addison had just woken up, so his vision was still quite blurry, but he could bet on his life that the Colonel was reading a book on the history of Nomadische people. Addison's people. Or maybe the lemonade WAS laced with something. He should've listened to Lars after all.
The Mutants' Dawn - The Siege of San Salvador
FantasySuperpower-like mutations exist in real life, such as immunity to fire, super dense bones, etc. What if these were taken to the extreme? As in, fire immunity would give you control over fire, and denser bones would literally become armor for you. Th...