Our Pain Revealed....

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Miranda walked into her house quietly trying not to wake anyone up knowing her fiancé and his family had to be up in a few hours for church.

Her body was sore and aching, but in a good way from all of the new stretching she endured just minutes ago. Miranda picked out her clothes for service and laid them on the chair in her room and then went into the bathroom cutting on the shower.

As she stepped in letting the hot water rinse her body she stood under the water then looked down and saw paint running down the drain. "Jesus Ben!", Miranda said to herself. "I'm never going to get all of this paint off of me."

The phone started to go off on the sink and Miranda stepped out grabbing her phone then hurried back into the shower with her phone. "Hello?", Miranda whispered.

"Hello beautiful, you forgot to let me know you made it home safe. But hearing the water I'm assuming you're in the shower dripping wet and home safe", Ben said.

"Yes. Sorry I just-...."

"Didn't want to wake anyone up when you got home on account you would have to explain where you've been all night."

"Damn, you know you finishing my sentences all the time is annoying right", she huffed.

"But finishing you to a powerful orgasm isn't", he laughed.

"Shut up!", Miranda rolled her eyes.

"What are you doing right now?"

"I'm in the shower talking to you."

"I know that, but what else are you doing?", he said smiling hard.

"You know I can hear you smiling."

"Good I want you to."

"Well I was trying to get this damn paint out of my hair before you called interrupting me."

"Sorry about that."

"Are you really?"

"No, but it sounded it nice. How about this.....turn around putting your back towards the water and lean your head back just enough to feel the water drench your hair."

Miranda did as told feeling the water hit her hair. "Okay now take your hand and caress it up your neck to the back of your head and imagine me standing in the shower with you extremely close breathing against your lips, around your cheeks, slipping my hand up the back of your head on top of yours caressing your scalp with our fingertips easing out the rest of the paint. While my lips are barely brushing over your lips letting you feel my desire for you." Miranda started to softly moan.

Even though he wasn't really in the shower it felt like he was right there standing with her under the water reminiscing when they were making love in the rain.

"Now caress one breast at a time making sure your phone doesn't get wet", she cupped one breast thumbing her nipple. "Say my name", he whispered and she felt a gust of wind around her neck like he was right there.

"Bennnnnjaammmiinn....", she let slip through her lips as she squeezed her breast remembering his touch. "Switch hands with the phone and then lean back more under the water and outline your breast with your fingertips pinching at the nipple. Then trace your finger down your body to your navel and circle it. Imagine me blowing air onto your stomach and then lower and lower as your fingers go down reaching in between your soaked swollen lips feeling your pressure building in your clit ready for me to suck."

"Hhhhhhhhhhh", Miranda breathed heavily and deeply on the phone as she was reaching her climax. "Benjamin?", she moaned.

"Yes Miranda", he said back even more sexual damn near sending her over. "I'm almmmmoossttttt thereeeeeee....."

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