Escapee - Gender Neutral

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"Holy fuck Phil" Techno breathed heavily, clutching his stomach as he curled in on himself.

"It worked!" Phil was ecstatic. The plan to get his best friend out of jail had actually w o r k e d. 3 months late mind you. Phil was too excited to notice the look of worry on his best friends face. A rare sight that Phil seemed to skim over. Heaving, Techno gripped the back of his chair to stand himself upright, trying to catch his breath. Which ultimately didn't work when what little oxygen that had entered his lungs were immediately coughed out as Phil tackled him into a hug. Techno froze. Dream wasn't exactly the most affectionate. Especially not to Technoblade. He hasn't had any type of affection since the day he decided to visit. which happened to be a kiss and a hug from you. Techno shook his head, wasting no time in grabbing Phils shoulders and pushing him off of him. Phil stared at Techno incredulously, disbelief. His best friend that had disappeared for 3 months was finally back.

And still as cold as ever.

Technoblade stared at Philza intensely, stilling gripping the shorter man by the shoulders.

"You alright mate?" Techno twitched as he heard the words fall from Phil's mouth. Oh how he had longed to hear him talk. Not that he would ever verbally admit it. He coughed, averting his eyes down to his pants as he pretended to wipe off any dust.

"Uh... yeah I am fine Phil." Phil quirked his head to the side, a soft smile on his face as he looked at Techno. Standing awkwardly in silence, Technoblades worry had returned. Remembering what he needed from Phil. A simple request really.

"Phil. Where are they?"


Angry was an understatement. He had left you for 3 months. MONTHS without a word or a trace.

Interrogating Phil for Technos whereabouts was no use. Every time he saw you for even a split second, he would be flying away surrounded by his crows. In the beginning, he would talk to you. Saying,

"Nah, haven't heard anything from Techno, sorry mate" "Oh you know how he is, he's probably gone to let out some steam. He'll be back soon enough"

But by week 2 of the questioning, he began getting fed up. Knowing he wouldn't be able to face you without cracking.

Each day was harder and harder to cope with. Things in your life had started to crumble and completely fall apart. You never realised how much you needed Techno, well, depended on Techno to support you emotionally. You had Ranboo, but nowadays he's with Tubbo and Michael nearly 24/7. There was Philza, but he's been avoiding you, knowing Technoblade wouldn't want you to know where his was.

Things had gotten tough alone in the Tundra. You refused to go to Technos house, hell you refused to even leave your own. You had stopped catering to your farm, letting Phil do all of the dirty work. Eating became minimal. Only doing so when you truly had to. These past 3 months were probably the worst months of your entire life. The only thing occupying your time is being curled up in a ball in your bed. Swaddled in blankets as a baby would be.

So when you heard those 4 rhythmic knocks you had been longing to hear for these past few months. Your heart raced, excitement blooming. A smile stretched towards your eyes, causing the apples of your cheeks to turn a bright red, eyes crinkling. Desperately trying not to get tangled within the sheets, you bolted out of your room and down the stairs to open your front door. Hoping, wishing, knowing, who was going to be behind it. As expected, when you opened the door. There stood the Blood God himself.

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