Doing A Puzzle - Gender Neutral

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Word Count: 325 Words

Dream would be similar in the sense of getting competitive over puzzles.

Unlike Sapnap, he knew you would get stressed and anxious when he yelled. Usually keeping his excitement to himself.

He wouldn't do them often though. Opting to just admire you as you concentrate. He didn't care what you two did together as long as he got to spend time with you.

Dream sat across from you, on the other side of the room. His back pressed to the wall as you sat on the edge of the couch. He had walked in about an hour beforehand, silently just sitting down. He hadn't moved a muscle since he sat. Not even to check his phone. His arms were crossed sitting on top of his knees, as he rested his head on his arms. Looking up from what you were doing, Dream had stolen your attention. You stared back at him, taking notice of the goofy grin that sat on his face. He started to laugh. It was completely out of the blue. He had just lost it. You stared at him confused before laughing along with him, falling back to sit properly on the couch. Your back finally resting against the cushions. You sighed in content as your tired body finally had time to relax. Dream had calmed down from his laughter not long after you, taking a few more moments to admire you as you relaxed. He stood up and sat next to you. He'd be lying if he said sitting in the same position for an hour on the hardwood floor without moving was comfortable. Wrapping his arm around your shoulder he pulled you into his chest to just cuddle and relax.

This was often how your days turned out. Puzzle or not. Dream always found a loophole for you to lay with him on the couch and cuddle. He always craved your attention and validation. Not that you complained.

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