Piglin Lovin'

274 10 5

This was a request made by KnightTimeNow i didnt intend on taking so long to write this, so apologies :,)

idk if this is what you wanted. but i have 100 other ideas to go with this prompt if you want another one :)

3.6k words

Intended female reader.


tired was an understatement.
I was completely and utterly exhausted. the past few weeks had drained me of every single ounce of energy or piece of motivation i had.

running back and forth between baby sitting Michael and tending to my own chores in the Tundra, had been slowly killing me. as much as I love Tubbo and Ranboo, could they ever make some time to look after THEIR son. at this point michael was my child. which i didn't need as i already had Steve (and Techno) to take care of.

It usually wouldn't be this hard as Philza was always around to help me complete everything. But, Phil was currently on a trip with Techno, leaving me alone. I didn't know where they had gone or why, all I knew is that I wanted to sleep for a month straight.


"bye Tubbo! bye Michael! I'll see you soon okay buddy?" bending down to Michaels height, he ran into my chest almost making me topple over. i smiled at his antics, wrapping ny arms around the small piglins body. his snorts and giggles made my heart swell. with one last squeeze, i let him go, bopping him on the snout in the process. he swiped at his nose, he always hated when i tapped his snout, he claims it made his nose itch.
standing up, i waved to the father and son duo once more before turning around and making my long and painful journey back to the Tundra.

my legs were aching. sore from use and from how cold it was. everything in my body hurt. after the week i had, i couldn't wait to bathe in a magma cube bath. k sighed at the thought. imagining how nice it would be to sit in the iron tub, the warm water covering my entire body, relaxing all of my tense muscles. the popping bubbles of the water, calming all of my rapid thoughts, washing them away leaving me with nothing but peacefulness.

of course my daydream didn't last long, i didn't have that much luck. i reached up to move the hair out of my face, but my fingertips were so cold i couldn't feel them move. the snow was picking up its pace making it harder and harder to see 2 feet in front of me. my heart started racing. i had no idea how long you had been walking for, too distracted by my own day dream.

"oh fuck me" my mind was racing. not being able to come up with a single rational thought.

i was panicking.

without thinking. i began running. running as fast as i could with my numb limbs, harsh winds and snow thrashing against my face. my nose was red and stuffy, my breathing was irregular. i had never been caught in a snow storm by myself before. i always had Techno or Phil by my side. i didn't know what to do. before Techno i lived in a plains biome.

I continued to run for what felt like miles. until i felt like i couldn't run any more. my legs felt like jelly, i couldn't breathe, i couldn't see. i was sure this was how i was going to die.
exhausted and sore in the middle of a snow storm.

until i saw the smoke coming out of cabin up ahead. with the little strength i had left, i pushed myself to my limit. running as fast as my legs would allow me to. which at this point wasn't very much. the light was getting closer and closer, the smell of smoke was filling my nostrils. i had never been so happy to see my shared little cabin.

the more i ran, the more my lungs felt like they were going to burst, my throat was burning, and i honestly thought i was going to pass out. my heart beat was drumming rapidly in my ears. the cabin was getting closer and closer. i began smiling.

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