Doing A Puzzle - Gender Neutral

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DSMP C! Tommy Word Count: 781 Words
CC! Tommy Word Count: 937 Words

C! Tommy:

Tommy loves spending time with you. Especially when you guys go on adventures around the SMP.

Doing something that always got you scolded by Philza or Wilbur.

Whether that be looting people's chests, or accidentally blowing creepers up while trying to get a new disc.

There was never a dull moment between the two of you

Always laughing, always getting into (playful) arguments

You were inseparable and always full of energy

So when you decided that after years of playful banter and energy shared between you, that you wanted to sit down for the day and relax while doing a puzzle, did Tommy regret being friends with you.

When i say regret, i mean he "regrets" it

He loves you, he truly does

But on days like these all he wanted to do was leave

You always made sure to ask beforehand whether or not he wanted to join you. His immediate thought was to say no and go hang out with Tubbo.

But seeing the desperate look in your eyes wanting nothing more than to just spend a relaxing day with your best friend did he cave.

He always does and always will.

But that doesn't mean he will ever stop complaining.

"AWE COME ON Y/N! I'm booooored"

Tommy was hanging off of the couch. His legs swung over the back of the recliner while his head was hanging off the edge of the chair. The blood went straight to his face making him look like a tomato. You laughed the moment you looked up from the puzzle. Wanting nothing more than to complete it. You shook your head.

"Tommy, we've been sitting down for an hour.. Instead of lying there complaining, help me complete the puzzle!"

You pouted at him hoping he'd agree to stay with you. Even if he didn't participate in the completion of the puzzle. He groaned the moment he saw your face. Heat rose to his cheeks more than they already had, he was glad to be hanging upside down before you could make fun of him. He had always fancied you, although he'd never admit it out loud. He sighed obnoxiously loud and sat up.

"Fine" he muttered standing up, dragging his feet slowly over to wear you were sat on the floor. He fell next to you and groaned even louder than before, leaning his head on your shoulder. You rolled your eyes and flicked his forehead pushing him off of you.

He shouted out a quick "OI!" before seeing the way you flinched at the sudden loudness of his voice. He admired the way you enjoyed puzzles. Liking the way they challenged you, loving the feeling of satisfaction once you did complete it.

"'Ive never fucking liked puzzles" He grumbled under his breath, you head barely heard him but once you realised what he had said, you turned your head and glared.

"If you've 'never fucking liked puzzles' then why do you always agree to relax and do them with me!?" They were annoyed. Tommy was a kind soul. Behind that obnoxious loud teenager lied a nice mommas boy. Even if there wasn't a mother around.

He stayed silent. Gaze shifted from your own to the puzzle pieces sitting in front of him, scattered across the wooden planks beneath you. He reached over and grabbed 4 odd pieces, forcing them to fit together. His eyes shone and a smile slowly grew on his face as they slid into one another. Even if he had to use force. He turned to you excitedly.

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