Pet Names HC - Gender Neutral

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Word Count: 238 words

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I feel like Wilbur wouldn't be one for pet names
opting to just use your first name, or a nickname given to you instead.
but on the rare occasion he did use a pet name on you, it'd be 'Hon'
100% I do not see that man referring to you as anything else.
He'd be very simple with it.
only using the nickname when he deemed fit.
Wilbur would use the nickname in very... intimate and tender moments.
like, admitting his undying love for you for the very first time
"I love you. I love you so so so fucking much it hurts. im scared of this, and how our relationship will progress. but fuck hon, i love you"
he'd be very cute about it
other times he would use it is when you might have had a really shitty day, completely stressed out whether that be with work or uni or even family and friends. hell it might've been because of Wilbur.
He, of course, would guide you through grounding techniques before pulling you into his arms, sitting in between his legs with your back pressed against his chest.
whether it be on your kitchen floor, at a park, or in your bedroom laying against the side of the bed.
mans would pull you into his lap and just whisper things over and over in your ear.
'hon' being thrown into the mix every so often

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