Chapter 12 Steve

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This is the most nervous you have been in 70 years, sitting in the bar waiting for Chloe to arrive you wonder, should you have asked Clint for his permission? No, surely not, it's not even a date, its a drink with a work colleague. You look around the dingy bar, maybe you should have picked a nicer place, the bar is sticky and the drinks are warm, but the music is pretty good, thats all that matters right? Chloe doesn't strike you as a 'fancy' bar type of girl, you like that she is a little rough around the edges, she keeps you on your toes, you are aware that its all a front, she is keeping herself guarded, but you can see right through it, catching sight of her sensitivity yesterday by the way she brushed the hair from your face, her kind eyes and smile washed away all your troubles. However, she's young.  21 years old, imprisoned for 5 years, she went in a child and came out a woman, how has she managed to process the changes in her world.
She's an ex addict, or do they still consider themselves as addicts even if they are clean? There is a lot to think about, and you are getting way ahead of yourself, its not even a date.
You catch sight of yourself in the mirror behind the bar, you look like a choir boy, unbuttoning the top two buttons on your light blue checked shirt and roll up the sleeves, shaking your hands through your hair to mess it up, why did you put a shed in it? What were you thinking.
Upon hearing the bell above the bar door jingle you turn eagerly to see if Chloe has arrived, she walks through the door wearing black leather pants, and a black ACDC t-shirt that has been tied up in a knot exposing her midriff, her long blonde hair is hanging down by her face, she takes her hand and tucks one side behind her ear, you watch her walk towards you heart skipping a beat. She grins at you, not knowing wether to give you a hug or not. Palms sweating you order 2 beers and 2 tequila shots, craving some dutch courage.
"Hey, sorry I'm late, I lost track of time catching up with Tony." She squirms, but you are glad she was late or she would have arrived here with you looking like a complete idiot.
"Thats okay, so how you been?" This boring small talk is only making you more nervous, you slide a beer and a shot over to her and you cheers.
You study her face while she reads the cocktail menu, she has makeup on but only a little, her lashes long and thick, lips painted a deep red and cheeks a little flushed. She catches you gazing and flashes a wide smile, its the first time you've seen her smile like that, you notice her attractive mouth, her teeth aren't crooked or misshapen, she should smile like that more often.
You talk, mostly about work, but after a few more shots of tequila and some beer you are both more comfortable around one another. The music helps, you sing along to songs together, Chloe laughs at you when you get the words wrong, she writes the names of albums down in the book where you keep a list of things to catch up on. She draws a little star and love heart in the corner of one of the pages before handing it back. You give her a little nudge and she puts her arm around you,
"Two more please bar keep!" She laughs before heading over to the juke box to pick another song, you can't help staring at her body.  She isn't thin or skinny like most of the woman you see these days, she is strong, athletic, but still manages to maintain curves.
"This is nice isn't it, having a friend?" Elbowing her playfully,
"You are so cheesy man," she takes a swig of her beer and shakes her head back at you,
"High five me, high five your friend!" You are beginning to slowly feel the effects of the alcohol its helped loosen you up, it would take a gallon of tequila for you to even be slightly tipsy though,
"If I give you a high five, will you leave me alone?" She laughs at you,
You laugh back at her "Absolutely not!"
Chloe orders some chips and you both share them, each time she takes one putting her finger in her mouth licking the salt off, it makes you crazy, you wish you were that finger, or the mouth. You can't decide which one.
"So are we friends now?" Looking at her as she swirls her beer bottle before taking a massive swig,
"I don't have any friends, I'm more of a friends with benefits type of gal," she takes another big gulp of her beer. You shoot a tequila, trying to hide the shock thats sweeping across your face, you cannot believe she just said that. This girl is making you crazy! So reserved yet so forward, you like it. Chloe challenges you, every other girl you've met falls at your feet, but she is making you work for it, surprising you at every juncture.
"Wow! Did I say that out loud? Maybe I need cut off," she looks at you sort of sheepishly,
"Maybe we could go on a real date, maybe instead of being friends we could—" Chloe cuts you off mid sentence,
"Captain Rogers," shes using your official name now, she means business, "I am not the girl you take home to mommy, I am not the girl who is liked by your friends, I'm messy and broken, I am not relationship material." She purses her lips, you can see her walls slowly building back up.
You laugh, trying diffuse the situation "Okay, Chloe Barton. How about this? Purely platonic friends." She nods "I will disappoint you Rogers, I'm not a very good friend." You don't believe her for a second, she is just hard on herself, if only she could see herself the way you see her right now.
"I can handle it." You reply, letting her know that you are not going anywhere. She doesn't want a relationship, that is understandable, but she needs a friend. Everyone needs a friend.
"One condition though Steve, purely platonic, no benefits," adamantly slams her beer bottle down on the bar,
"Sure, why not." You throw her a wink.

You burst through your apartment door, mouths thrashing together in a drunken fumble, tongues massaging each other menacingly, her legs wrapped around your waist as you carry her through to the bedroom, tripping you fall onto the bed, Chloe sits up straddling your waist, your bulge pushing against the middle of her spread legs, pressing hard against your jeans begging to be released.
"Okay, maybe just a couple of benefits," Chloe whispers as she nibbles your ear lobe, licking your neck, if you don't undo your pants right now you are going to explode inside them.
You flip her round and lay her on the bed "agreed," kissing her neck, simultaneously unzipping her leather pants as she takes off your belt.  Your cock throbbing through the smooth cotton of your boxers, Chloe stands up and kisses your neck again, heading down your body, licking and softly kissing, she sits back on the bed and you pull off her leather pants and throw them onto the floor, feeling her breasts over her bra, sliding a hand inside and flicking her nipple, you reach around to un hook it, "don't fall for me Cap, I'm not that kind of girl," whispering as she reaches her hand inside your boxers grasping your throbbing erection, pulling back and forward, "got it," you reply as the bra pings off pinning her hands above her head you move down flicking her harden nipples with your tongue. Chloe's breathing quickens with pleasure, you release her hands and move downwards with your tongue, removing her panties, hooking her legs over your shoulders and delving into her glistening pink slit, lapping as she grinds herself onto your mouth, moaning intensely.
Making your way back up, you slide your hardened member between her dripping lips, pressing the tip against her engorged clit, Chloe grabs your head with both hands and forcefully brings your mouth to hers, tasting herself, she takes a hand, grabs your erection and thrusts you inside her tight cunt, gliding in and out, bashing against her walls as she clenches with intense pleasure, Chloe's breathing becomes ragged and fast as you continue to move in and out, dragging her nails down your back she arches her back with climax, you do too, pumping her full to the brim. Collapsing next to her on the bed, panting.
She rests her head on your chest before you both drift off into a sex hazed slumber.

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