Chapter 106 Chloe Barton

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"There she is." Steves smile brightens as you are wheeled out of your hospital room by Clint, "ready to go home?" He dips his head down to meet your level, feathering three soft kisses, one on each cheek and then a more passionate one on your lips.

The tickle of his scruffy stubble itches your nose.
"I am totally digging this beard." You run your fingers over it, cupping his face pulling him back into you for a deeper kiss.
Clint shuffles awkwardly behind you clearing his throat loudly, "alright Chloe put him down." He grumbles.

You part your lips from Steves and study his face, "You look exhausted, Steve."
The bags under his eyes are the dark heavy kind that comes with no sleep. Has he been here the whole time?
You look up at Clint, his eyes are the same. The sparkle of blue that you share with him has dulled with worry.
Steves clasps his hands around yours, "I'm fine. How do you feel? Ready for some rest?" He brings your hands to his mouth and brushes his lips against the back of them.
You shake your head dismissively, "I feel strong, I've had rest...I've been resting in this hellhole for over a week!" The nurse that had accompanied Clint with your bags sways beside you, "no offence." You flash an awkward smile at her.
"None taken, besides with all these handsome men at home to run around after you, this place would be hell in comparison." She hands Steve your bags and Clint wheels you outside to the parking lot.

"Steve!" You reach for his hand, he rushes to your side panicked by the sudden turn in your tone, "I want to see him." Looking down at your feet guiltily as Clint helps you out of the chair you take a deep breath preparing for the inevitable argument.
But it doesn't come.
Steve simpers at you whilst tucking a lock of hair behind your ear, "whatever you want."
He looks to Clint for approval but he knows better than to argue with you.
And besides, you nearly died. Again.
So they have to give you whatever you want.

Excitedly you hop into the back of Clint's truck, "what are we waiting for! Lets go!" Steve slides in next to you, slipping his hand inside yours fitting like a glove. Right back where it's supposed to be.
You didn't stand a chance, it was always Steve.
Even from the beginning, you were smitten.
Though at the time, you'd never have admitted it.
"First I gotta take a shower and shave." Steve pecks you on the cheek.
You're not stupid, you know that you need to go back to the compound to freshen up and fuel up the Quinjet.
You watch as Steve rubs his eyes.
Maybe you could both get some sleep first.
"Please don't shave this masterpiece." You run your hands over his beard again, fully aware of the hold it has on you now.

Steve watches you intently as you lean your weary head on the window, amazed by your strength.
How faultlessly you have overcome everything that's been thrown your way.
But he worries about you. He will always worry.


You both arrive back at the compound, it took some convincing but you were able to send Clint home. He was missing his wife and kids, and they needed him more than you did right now.

Tony stands in the kitchen area wearing his brown leather jacket.
"Hey kiddo." He pulls you into a tight bear hug.
You melt into him, "hey Stark." He squeezes you harder.
"Cracked ribs remember." You hush out in a pained whisper.
"What are you mumbling?" His arms not letting up.
"Tony..." Steve places his hands on Tony's shoulders pulling him back, "she has cracked ribs."
"Shit. I'm sorry kid." When he pulls back you see tears welled in his eyes, "I uh...I'm going to the cabin with Pepper for a few days, everyone's gone on vacation. You guys have the place to yourself."
Tony throws Steve a wink before he plants a kiss on your forehead.
"Enjoy the quiet, don't do anything I wouldn't do." He smirks from inside the elevator.
"There's the shortest list in the world." You call back after him.

In all the romantic commotion and revelations you had forgotten how disgustingly filthy you were. You were in hospital for over a week, and most of that was spent being sedated to allow your body to recover, you prayed to god that Clint wasn't there when the nurses gave you a sponge bath.

You lean against the shower wall using it for support, because although you keep telling everyone you're fine, you can feel your body starting to wilt.
Your physical strength depleting as the night goes on.
You may have been technically sleeping in hospital but you some how still managed to come home dead beat.
The hot water pounds on your skin, soothing your aching muscles.
Steve insisted on you both sleeping in his room, but the reality was that you wanted your own home comforts. So he went to grab some things to spend the night with you.
As you reach for the shampoo bottle that sits on the corner shelf you accidentally kick over the shower gel bottle, the loud clatter echoes through the bathroom.
Steve bursts through the door arms ready to save you from whatever catastrophe he had envisioned in his mind in the 1.5 seconds it took him to lunge off the bed.
"Are you okay?! What happened?!" His face chalk white as he throws open the cubicle door.
You point down to the bottle lying on its side, "I'm okay, I knocked it over." You quickly rinse out the shampoo, "Steve you look like you're going to have a heart attack."
"I feel like I'm going to have one." He chuckles at himself, "I'm sorry." He turns away bashful as you switch off the shower, reaching for a towel.
"Steven Grant Rogers, you've seen me naked."
He turns around to face you his eyes reddening with the prick of tears, "you're hurt." He murmurs.
He wasn't looking away because you're naked, he was horrified by the black and blue shadows covering your upper body.
"They'll fade soon, and instead of being purple they'll be horrible and yellow." You wrap the towel around yourself, Steve holds onto your arm to steady you as you step out of the shower.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to...I're hurt because of me."
You sit down on the bed towel drying your hair.
"How do you work that one out?"

"If I had been stronger, fought harder."
You roll your eyes at him, "shut up Steve."
You will not have him blaming himself, its not happening.
You wont start your relationship like this.
"Steve...what happened, happened. It wasn't anyones fault. We have to stop thinking like that."
You slide on a pair of pyjama shorts and and a sports bra, "besides, if anyone is to really blame, then its Tony for forgetting to pack his fucking suit. Because Iron Man, he would have stopped the whole thing."
Steve chuckles taking the wet towels you had left on the end of the bed and disappears into the bathroom to hang them up.
You choke on a sob, the silly little task so heartwarmingly mundane in this chaos you both call life.
You begin blowdrying your hair at your vanity table, Steve lies back on your bed, you watch in the mirror as he reaches for the book on your nightstand.
Of Mice and Men, Clint's favourite.
Steve opens it and begins to read, a warm smile placed gently on his lips.

You were distracted with the heat from the dryer, you run the hot air over your body as it felt nice over your strained body. Calming the aches and pains.
When you finally switched it off you turned to look at Steve, he was so utterly exhausted he hadn't made it past the first page. His eyes were shut, chest gently rising and falling with the book perfectly balanced there. His mouth was hanging open just a little, begging to be kissed.
So you did, gently.
A stolen kiss that you'll cherish forever.

You couldn't help but quietly giggle at the soft purring snore coming from him.

"JARVIS..." you whisper climbing into the bed beside Steve, "please turn off all lights and lock all doors and windows." You bury your head into your favourite nook on Steves chest.
He slides his arm underneath you, pulling you tighter.
"I love you." He breathes out and you reply with a simple, "I love you too."
Because, while the words may be simple, and over used.
They meant everything to both you and Steve.
Because you were, truly and deeply in love.
No other words could describe.

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