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Shikori placed down his beloved haori on his chair. He sat down and propped up his legs on the table. Letting his eyes roam around his silent office, not even the rustle of the wind and trees could be heard. He pulled out his pocket watch and observed as the arms move ever so slightly. In that office of his, he closed his eyes and let his mind run wild like he always did when everything went according to plan.

A few seconds passed. Twenty minutes. An hour. Another five more passed by. Soon, the sun sets and the skies darkened, revealing the stars. Not once did he move nor breathed. Midnight came and he finally released a sigh. He opened his purple eyes that he had always been proud of. The clock arms only moved an hour despite a whole day went by.

His lips tugged upwards to a smirk. Just as he expected. He still has more than enough time in this universe to play around. Not that he needed to worry about it, after all, he's a man frozen in time. Shikori had just arrived in this pitiful world, a few years prior, in search of anything to entertain him before he leaves for another one. He thought he would get to fight some weak demons to even an upper moon like he always did.

But then he saw Tamayo and her assistant walking under the sun. And he thought...

"That wasn't in the book. Weren't they hiding in Asakusa?"

Demons can't walk in broad daylight. It was a fact known to everyone. Yet Tamayo being able to interact with humans without a hint of fear, it baffled him. Not once did it ever happen in the Canonical Timeline. Since then, the differences have started to become more obvious to his keen eyes. Every major events were going to a different direction that it usually did. Maybe he was simply looking to it too much but no way in hell Kagaya picked up a sword and was succesful in it.

Nothing has ever bothered Shikori more than this strange world. Those two gods surely had something to do with this like they always did. Thus he did was he was best at, hatch a plan. This might be a once in a lifetime chance, might as well have fun and wreak havoc. Besides, no one will notice right? Right?

"Nothing matters, everything always goes according to plan."

Kagaya watched as Amane continued to stitch something he wasn't allowed to know. It has been almost an hour of nothing but complete silence that was slowly thinning down his saint-like patience. She even managed to dodge his inquiries about it. He could only sit next to her and follow her hands' movements with his eyes. She seemed to be making some sort of gloves.

"Love may I know-"

"No you may not."

He sighed.

Few moments passed and he could no longer resist it. With a small pout, Kagaya snaked his bandaged arms around her waist, careful that he wouldn't put pressure on her midriff then he rested his head onto her shoulder. With a soft sigh, he closed his eyes and hummed a tune. Amane smiled at the sight of her husband caressing her bulging stomach.

"Do you hear that? Your mother is hiding something from me...I wonder what it is..."

His mouth formed into a small pout as he tried to weave his fingers through hers, she simply shrugged away his hand and looked over whatever she was conjuring together. This made him huff in slight impatience and made several attempts, all failed. After a minute of them playing cat and mouse, her eyebrows creased and when he finally reached out for one last time, Amane scoffed and turned her head to face him.

"Kagaya what do you want-"

He saw the opportunity and took it, his pout turned to a smirk when he leaned closer to capture her lips to a soft kiss. She let out a squeak in surprise, cheeks turning pink, she would've pushed him away if he wasn't such a good kisser. He felt her squirm around, trying to escape, his arms only kept her in place as he bit her lower lip. She gasped and just melted under his touch.

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