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"Shiiin...~" I looked up. "What?" I mumbled, looking back at my laptop. "I have a gift. Close that stupid laptop," He shut the laptop quickly, making me look at him. I sighed. "What is it?"

He look out a collar and a leash. "A pet...?" I asked. "I thought you didn't like animals that much..."

"No, silly. This is for you." I looked away. "I'm not putting that on." I opened my laptop and went back to what I was doing. Sou walked behind me. "What are you doing on there? It can't be that important."

"It's important." I mumbled, trying to shut him up. "I really d-don't want to deal with that." Sou just giggled. "Why are you giggling?" I asked him. "Oh, nothing. Pay attention to your laptop." "I was already doing tha...-" I paused and turned around. He gently put on the collar, along with the leash.

"Aww! Just like a shy puppy." He yanked the leash, making me fall off my chair. "Sou... I didn't agree..." He kneeled down, putting a hand on my cheek. "I don't care." He whispered. "Come on, I've wanted to do this for a bit. Surely you can understand?"

I shook my head. "I don't get it at all... Why did you...-" He shushed me. "Shhshh!" He pushed in my computer chair. He then stood up, dragging me upwards too. "O-Ow..." I mumbled. "Sorryy. We're going to go to somewhere more... spacious. I think a bed is overrated, ahaha." What is he talking about? "I-I just thought you wanted me to be on this leash... I didn't want any sexual contact...-" Sou started walking me to the living room. "Oh, I know." He stopped. "Sit." He said. I gave Sou a concerned stare and obediently sat down.

"Hehe, good boy..." He said, sitting down in front of me. I shivered. "I'm not a dog..." I gripped onto the collar. "Get this stupid thing off me..."

Sou gave me a scary look. "No." He said, "I mean." I smirked. "I can just take it off." Might as well screw with him when I have the chance. "And I can just hurt you." I lost my smirk, "N-No thanks..." I let go of the collar. "Oh, I can choke you too! Just have to..." He grabbed me, and sat me in his lap. "This." He yanked the leash from behind. "Ack...!" I yelped. "So you better listen."

I nodded, and he let go of the leash.

unfinished request

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