Alya Knows

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(Adrien's POV)

The next morning, I woke up with *Marinette in my body. I never noticed how adorable I would look in my sleep, even if it's *Marinette sleeping peacefully in my body. I hope she's not going through this torture that my father is putting through with tough schedules. At least she knows why my life is hard. I just wish my life was better if only my mother was still around. I never had childhood dreams because it was all blank. I never wanted to be a model but my father made me become a model because he's a fashion designer.

I see *Marinette waking up from her slumber; it's funny how my blond hair is always messy every morning.

"Morning Kittybug," I said to her.

"Morning Adrien." She yawned.

"You teenagers are so weird when you sleep together" Plagg woke up too along with Tikki.

"Knock it off, Plagg. At least you're helping milady with my life" I rolled his eyes.

"Oh boy! I gotta get back to your mansion! Plagg claws out!" *Marinette transforms into Cat Noir.

"See you later Kitty." I waved.

"You too milady" *Ladybug said and went up to the roof hatch and left.

"I'm so in love with that girl" I sighed in love.


Much later, I met up with *Marinette at school. Our friends think we are not ourselves but we can't tell them that we are in the wrong bodies because that would be crazy to say. No one is gonna believe us. But perhaps Alya will but not in front of everyone. *Marinette trusts her well enough to keep secrets, I guess she can do the same with me. Except I'm in Marinette's body. Time for a private talk with my lady in my body as I grabbed her arm and went to the boiler room where Nino still has the desk and the New York photo there

"Milady, I think we should tell Alya. She knows how to keep a secret" I said but she thinks this is crazy.

"But how are we gonna convince her when we sound like each other? I have your voice, you have mine" *Marinette said.

"True but we don't act like each other" I corrected her.

"Good point." *Marinette said.

"Let's find her," I said.

"Find who?" It was Alya who found us in the boiler room.

"Aaahhhh!!!!!" We both held onto each other and screamed in fear.

"Are you two talking?" She walks up to us.

It was time that we told her the truth, "Alya, this is gonna sound crazy but Adrien and I switched our minds." *Marinette said.

"And bodies" I added.

It took Alya a few seconds to hear what we said but she thinks we are crazy, "Roleplaying? Really?"

"If you don't believe us, answer a question about us that we don't know" *Marinette said.

Alya shook her head in annoyance but at the same time, feeling uncomfortable that us two are acting differently, "Fine, you guys probably had too much Chinese food the other day. Marinette or if you are really Adrien, do you know anything about your twin cousin Felix coming to Paris?" Alya asked a hard question that *Marinette doesn't know much about my cousin.

"Ummm..... No." *Marinette answered.

"It was a get-together with Aunt Amalie and my cousin. I'm guessing my cousin pickpocket my phone and he probably deleted the videos you guys sent me which I didn't know. He pretended to take a shower so he can slip into my old brand clothes to look and sound like me which I guess that's what made you guys think it was me but that was not me. And of course, you, Juleka, and Rose got akumatized because you thought I sent that mean video" I said in Marinette's body to make Alya see that I really am Adrien in a girl's body.

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