Accidental Kiss

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(Adrien's POV)

At home it was evening and I was having cravings and Marinette's parents thought I was acting weird when I'm eating Chinese food that Sabine made. Of course, I used the chopsticks but instead I was impatient and used the fork instead.

"That's funny, you never use a fork for these meals, Marinette," Sabine said.

"Uh....Adrien taught me" I lied.

"Adrien seems like a strange guy at times," Tom said.

I let out a little glare, not sure if he's making a compliment. But seriously, I was having cravings due to this....female curse I'm dealing with.

"So sweetie, how was the beach with Adrien and friends?" Sabine asked me.

"It was great watching him have a photoshoot and guess what? Kim and Max pulled the popcorn prank by luring seagulls at the sleeping classmates." I almost laughed.

Sabine and Tom chuckled a little after hearing about the popcorn seagull prank. I kept eating since these cravings are too crazy. If only my father would be laughing with me along with mom but he never opens up his emotions. I wish she was here.

"But still, we had a good time. Adrien really needed a break from his dad and stuff." I said, telling half of the truth of myself.

"That's great Marinette," Sabine said.

"Love at first sight!" Tom said which made me almost choke on my food.

"Erm...We aren't dating yet." I said after clearing my throat.

I nearly choked to death. Tom is always the same as last time when he thought Marinette was in love with me as Cat Noir.

"You two would be so perfect together. A model and a fashion designer" Tom said, still taking things too far again.

"Ummm yeah. That could work." I chuckled nervously.

"Tom, don't do the same thing as you did with Cat Noir" Sabine warned her husband.

"Oh right sorry." Tom apologized.

"Cat Noir may be charming but he has saved me a few times in the past," I said, remembering the few times I saved my princess as Cat Noir.

"Yes. He and Ladybug are always there for us." Tom said.

After finishing my dinner I washed the dishes and head upstairs to Marinette's room since I have this issue I'm dealing with which is embarrassing me. These cramps are killing me. How do these girls get used to this?

(Marinette's POV)

Here I am at the dining room eating a very small meal that Mr. Agreste served me. It's no wonder that Adrien's body is so skinny but still in good shape. Adrien was right about this strict diet. It's so unfair for him. For once he needs to do exceptions on what he can eat or drink. This is not Adrien's choice to be forced what he should eat.

After finishing I went to Adrien's room to be alone again. When it comes to Plagg, he never stops eating his Camembert cheese.

"Watch it Plagg, you're gonna get a stomach ache." I groaned in frustration.

"I never get tummy aches," Plagg said.

"Please save your cheese or you'll run out. Adrien is not some servant to order cheese whenever you want" I said with a glare.

"Alright alright." Plagg puts the cheese aside.

"Like seriously, you're just wasting it all once," I said.

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