Trip To Beach

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The next day, *Adrien was having difficulty with designing with the mannequin and the cloth fabrics. Of course, with his lady as Cat Noir, she helped him. She still has her skills in his body her hand size is a bit bigger than her real ones.

"Ugh!" *Adrien was tangled up with threads, "Uhhh....this would be ironic if I had my Cat Noir body to play with yarn like a cat"

"Ironic or not, you should know why I like fashion designing" *Ladybug said.

"It's your hobby?" *Adrien guessed.

"Yes, but I get inspiration for new designs." *Ladybug said.

The swapped model boy un-tangles himself from the threads so he can move. Of course, *Ladybug giggled awkwardly with her masculine voice which seems weird for guys to giggle like a girl.

"I don't giggle like a girl, milady. It makes me feel weird" *Adrien said, trying again with sewing the cloth fabric between the arm position.

"Keep the line straight when sewing." *Marinette said.

"Okay." *Adrien nodded.

It wasn't easy how it's done but somewhere with having a girl's memory muscles in the hands, he unintentionally and nearly got it right.

"Well good start." *Marinette said.

"It seems I awoke your memory muscles in your hands" *Adrien said.

"The same way I did with your hands too." *Ladybug said.

"Fashion designing is not my talent but fun to try. Anyways, time to patrol, milady. Tiki spots on!" He transformed into Ladybug.

"I may not be a lady but it's always ladies first you know," *Ladybug said.

"Technically I'm in your body and I get to be in command since I'm now a lady, not a man" *Cat Noir chuckled and heads to the roof hatch with her.

But he received a bump on the head by her staff again, "Ow! Will you stop doing that?!" He growled and did the same to her with the yo-yo.

"Ow! Okay, now I understand why you don't like that. But you know you're not me, bugaboy." *Ladybug said, rubbing the spot on her head.

"I know. But let's go patrolling." *Cat Noir said.

"Just don't get scaredy-cat" He laughed and yo-yoed to the roof with her.

It's been 20 minutes of patrolling but they did find one who is akumatized into an Egyptian-like Bastet, turning people into cats with its feline eyes whenever the victim looks at it.

"Oh great. Now I'll have to mother them all! Agh! I have your humor. This is so annoying" *Ladybug groaned in frustration.

"Yup, being me is easy when it's between loneliness and sense of humor, milady" *Cat Noir snickered and went to face the villain without looking directly at it.

"Turning people into cats? I'd say you're giving them extra nine lives, Bastet" *Cat Noir being funny as always.

"And you know cats should chase the bug!" The Bastet screamed.

The heroes saw the cats meowing and running towards them with menacing slit eyes due to being controlled by Bastet. They surrounded them while growling and snarling to intimidate the heroes.

"Ahh!!! It's like a world of crazy cats attracted to catnip!" *Ladybug huddled with her swapped body partner.

"Catnip or not, these cats are being controlled by cat goddess!" *Cat Noir grabbed the baton from his lady and extended it to whack the cats away, "I hope you all land on your feet! I don't wanna abuse you all like some animal abuse!"

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