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*Marinette and *Adrien were at the arts and crafts classroom, learning to do a partner dance together. *Marinette forgets that she's a guy and that men are supposed to have their hands on a woman's waist. Same for *Adrien too that he forgot he's a girl and women always have their arms around a man's neck or hands on the shoulders.

"Okay, okay, do as I do." *Adrien said.

"Great. I'm supposed to put my hands on your waist. And you have to put your arms around my neck. This is like roles reversed" *Marinette said, trying to remember that's she's a guy, not a girl, "And I'm actually slightly taller than you"

But she did put her arms around *Adrien's or rather her waist while he around her neck.

"This is so complicated, Marinette" *Marinette said, blushing that her friends are watching, especially Chloe looking furious as well as Lila too.

"Relax." *Adrien said, starting to dance slowly.

"Men always lead their ladies," She said quietly as she waltz with him, unsure how a man leads his lady. Suddenly she remembered how her crush danced with her the first time and she remembers now how it goes.

*Adrien moved slowly with her and in their act, he pretends to rest his head on her chest while they danced. He steps back with the right foot while *Marinette moved forward with her left. Then she stepped right while he steps with the left, then they proceed to close their feet together. Then she stepped back with my right foot. *Adrien steps forward with his left foot.

"Good job." *Marinette whispered.

"Thanks." He whispered back.

Then *Marinette step to the left with her left foot and *Adrien steps to the right with his right foot and they repeated it all. *Adrien saw Alya recording it with her phone. He gave a glare that he's gonna strangle her if she puts that on Youtube.

"Just keep going." *Marinette said.

"I'm gonna kill her" *Adrien whispered.

"Then it's through me first, kitty." *Marinette smirked.

"Just a joke." He replied as they kept dancing.

They both felt awkward with this but they had to learn what it's like to waltz dance in different bodies. Especially the dip move that *Marinette has never done to *Adrien nor has *Adrien done to *Marinette.

"Okay, this is getting out of hand." *Marinette thought she should stop but accidentally lost her footing and fell on top of him, "Agh! Uh, good waltz we did?" She blushed at the position and quickly got off before her classmates try to record or take a picture of this.

"Whoa, you okay?" Alya asked.

"I'm fine Alya." *Adrien said.

The bell rang since school is over and *Marinette quickly grabbed *Adrien's hand and left the classroom in a hurry due to the embarrassment.

"That was close." *Marinette panted.

"Uh, how many times have we always end up in that position?" *Adrien asked stupidly due to his embarrassment shock.

"I don't know. It's my body's clumsiness when not a hero." *Marinette said.

"I'm not gonna lie but your body is in great shape" *Adrien blushed and left the school and walked with her.

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